Energy loss spectra of Arq+(q=0-12) ions in grazing incidence on single-crystal copper surface
摘要: 采用蒙特卡罗模拟方法,对低速高电荷态Arq+离子掠射到单晶铜表面时的能损谱与表面结构的依赖关系进行研究。在能损计算中,包含了四种可能的能损机制。对于Ar原子沿着晶列方向掠射时,发现能损谱为一两峰结构,其中在能损比较大的区间新出现一个明显的小峰结构。通过研究Arq+以不同条件掠射到表面的能损,对观察到的沟道效应进行论述。能损谱的计算结果与实验结果吻合得比较好。Abstract: By performing a Monte Carlo simulation, energy spectra as a function of surface structure for slow highly charged Arq+ ions in grazing incidence on a single-crystal copper surface were studied. Four possible mechanisms were taken into account in energy loss calculation. The energy loss spectrum consisting of two peak structure with an obvious small peak at higher energy loss side was found for Ar atoms grazing along low-index direction. The channeling effect observed in the energy loss of Arq+ ions grazing from surface was discussed. The calculated energy loss spectra agree reasonably well with those of experiment.
Key words:
- Monte Carlo /
- energy loss /
- highly charged ion /
- grazing incidence
Figure 1. Energy loss spectra for 12 keV Ar scattering from single-crystal copper surface under an incidence angle of θin=2.2°
The azimuthal orientation of the target surface was chosen by azimuthal angles
Full circles: experimental results of Ref. [18]. Curves: the present calculations fitted by Gaussian functions
(Dotted curve: elastic energy loss; dashed curves: inelastic energy loss; solid curves: summation of energy loss, i.e., total energy loss) -
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