Design of broadband Wilkinson power divider based on particle swarm optimization
摘要: 提出了一种采用圆弧型结构的宽频Wilkinson功分器的优化设计方法。在研究奇模-偶模分析理论的基础上,首先,根据奇-偶模分析理论得出设计电路的参数方程,接着采用粒子群算法对方程进行优化,获得具体的设计参数,有效提高功分器的设计效率与准确性。为了验证设计方案的正确性,设计了8~12 GHz的宽带功分器。测试结果显示,在工作频段范围内,各端口回波损耗小于-20 dB,传输损耗小于3.4 dB,隔离度小于-20 dB,实物测试结果与仿真结果吻合良好,验证了设计方法的可行性。
- Wilkinson功分器 /
- 宽带 /
- 奇-偶模分析 /
- X波段 /
- 粒子群算法
Abstract: A broadband Wilkinson power divider with circular micro-strip line structure is presented. Firstly, the design equation is derived based on the analysis of the odd-even mode. Secondly, particle swarm optimization is used to obtain the design parameters of the Wilkinson power divider. This method improves the efficiency and accuracy of the power divider design. The results show that, in the frequency range of 8-12 GHz, the return loss is less than -20 dB, the ports transmission loss is less than 3.4 dB, and the isolation degree is less than -20 dB. The simulation results are in good agreement with the measured results, which verifies the feasibility of this design.-
Key words:
- Wilkinson power divider /
- broadband /
- even-odd mode analysis /
- X-band /
- particle swarm optimization
表 1 宽带Wilkinson功分器的设计参数
Table 1. Design parameters of broadband Wilkinson power splitter
Z1/Ω Z2/Ω r1/mm r2/mm R1/Ω R2/Ω 81.95 59.41 1.60 1.68 73.62 238.54 -
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