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张小东 欧阳晓平 翁秀峰 姜文刚 张建福 谭新建 何军章 魏晨

张小东, 欧阳晓平, 翁秀峰, 等. 基于微通道板的中子探测器γ射线灵敏度[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 044002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170388
引用本文: 张小东, 欧阳晓平, 翁秀峰, 等. 基于微通道板的中子探测器γ射线灵敏度[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 044002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170388
Zhang Xiaodong, Ouyang Xiaoping, Weng Xiufeng, et al. Gamma ray sensitivity of neutron detector based on microchannel plate[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 044002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170388
Citation: Zhang Xiaodong, Ouyang Xiaoping, Weng Xiufeng, et al. Gamma ray sensitivity of neutron detector based on microchannel plate[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 044002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170388


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170388

国家自然科学基金项目 11375142



  • 中图分类号: TL816.3

Gamma ray sensitivity of neutron detector based on microchannel plate

  • 摘要: 研制了一种基于微通道板的超快脉冲中子探测器,对其γ射线灵敏度进行了理论和实验研究。建立了探测器的γ射线灵敏度理论计算模型,利用蒙特卡罗方法模拟计算了不同能量γ射线在不同厚度聚乙烯靶中产生的出射电子能谱和出射角度分布,并结合经验公式计算了单个电子在微通道板(MCP)孔道中产生的二次电子产额,最后得到了探测器的γ射线灵敏度,结果表明当聚乙烯靶厚度大于某一值时,γ射线灵敏度基本相同。利用西北核技术研究所的标准γ射线放射源对探测器的γ射线灵敏度进行了实验标定,实验结果与理论计算结果一致。
  • 图  1  基于微通道板的超快脉冲中子探测器结构图

    Figure  1.  Structure of the ultrafast pulse neutron detector based on MCP

    图  2  1.25 MeV γ射线在不同厚度聚乙烯中产生的电子能谱

    Figure  2.  Energy spectra of electrons produced from different thickness'polyethylene by 1.25 MeV γ-ray

    图  3  1.25 MeV γ射线在不同厚度聚乙烯中产生的电子出射角度分布

    Figure  3.  Angle distribution of electrons produced from different thickness'polyethylene by 1.25 MeV γ-ray

    图  4  γ射线在不同厚度聚乙烯中产生的电子能谱

    Figure  4.  Energy spectra of electrons produced from different thickness'polyethylene by 0.662 MeV γ-ray

    图  5  0.662 MeV γ射线在不同厚度聚乙烯中产生的电子出射角度分布

    Figure  5.  Angle distribution of electrons produced from different thickness'polyethylene by 0.662 MeV γ-ray

    图  6  不同能量电子产生的二次电子产额

    Figure  6.  Yields of secondary electrons produced by different energyelctrons

    图  7  单个出射电子产生的二次电子产额

    Figure  7.  Yields of secondary electrons produced by single emitted electron

    图  8  探测器的γ射线灵敏度理论计算结果

    Figure  8.  Theoretical calculation results of the detector's γ-ray sensitivity

    图  9  γ射线灵敏度实验测量示意图

    Figure  9.  Schematic of measuring γ-ray sensitivity

    表  1  1.25 MeV γ射线灵敏度实验结果和理论计算结果

    Table  1.   Experimental results and theoretical calculation results of 1.25 MeV γ-ray

    thickness/mm total current/nA γ-ray flux rate/(cm-2·s-1) total γ-ray sensitivity/(C·cm2) current of background/nA γ-ray sensitivity of background/(C·cm2) experimental γ-ray sensitivity/(C·cm2) theoretical γ-ray sensitivity/(C·cm2)
    1.0 59.87 6.12×107 9.78×10-16 25.77 4.21×10-16 5.57×10-16 5.86×10-16
    2.0 82.18 6.12×107 1.34×10-15 25.77 4.21×10-16 9.20×10-16 9.02×10-16
    3.0 91.35 6.12×107 1.49×10-15 25.77 4.21×10-16 1.07×10-15 1.05×10-15
    4.0 91.07 6.12×107 1.49×10-15 25.77 4.21×10-16 1.07×10-15 1.12×10-15
    5.0 92.24 6.12×107 1.51×10-15 25.77 4.21×10-16 1.08×10-15 1.12×10-15
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    表  2  0.662 MeV γ射线灵敏度实验结果和理论计算结果

    Table  2.   Experimental results and theoretical calculation results of 0.662 MeV γ-ray

    thickness/mm total current/nA γ-ray flux rate/(cm-2·s-1) total γ-ray sensitivity/(C·cm2) current of background/nA γ-ray sensitivity of background/(C·cm2) experimental γ-ray sensitivity/(C·cm2) theoretical γ-ray sensitivity/(C·cm2)
    1.0 1.95 1.33×106 1.47×10-15 0.96 7.22×10-16 7.48×10-16 7.17×10-16
    2.0 2.01 1.33×106 1.51×10-15 0.96 7.22×10-16 7.88×10-16 7.67×10-16
    3.0 2.05 1.33×106 1.54×10-15 0.96 7.22×10-16 8.18×10-16 7.62×10-16
    4.0 2.11 1.33×106 1.59×10-15 0.96 7.22×10-16 8.67×10-16 7.64×10-16
    5.0 2.14 1.33×106 1.61×10-15 0.96 7.22×10-16 8.88×10-16 7.55×10-16
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