252Cf-source-driven nuclear material concentration identification based on deep learning
摘要: 针对核武器/核材料识别系统中核材料浓度识别的关键技术问题,采用Monte Carlo方法,通过建立252Cf源驱动核材料裂变中子信号样本库,模拟分析了随探测器距离和角度及核材料浓度变化的裂变脉冲中子信号特点,基于深度学习之卷积神经网络,构建了一种252Cf源驱动核材料浓度识别方法,实现了对测试样本浓度的识别,且还与BP神经网络和K最近邻方法进行了对比试验研究。结果表明,卷积神经网络算法进行核材料浓度识别,得到了高达92.05%识别准确率,不仅解决了因探测器距离和角度变化时对核材料浓度识别准确率影响的难题,而且还获得了优于BP神经网络和K最近邻算法对核材料浓度识别的认识,这为252Cf源驱动核材料浓度识别提供了一种新的途径。Abstract: For the problem of concentration identification of nuclear material in nuclear weapon/material identification system, we used the Monte Carlo method, established a database of neutron signal obtained by fission of nuclear material driven by 252Cf-source under the condition of different distance and angle of detectors. Based on the convolutional neural network in deep learning area, a method for 252Cf-source-driven nuclear material concentration identification was constructed, thereby, the identification of test samples was realized. Then a contrast experiment was conducted with the BP neural network and K-nearest neighbor method. The experimental results show that using the constructed method, a high identification rate of 92.05% is got. The problem of the accuracy of the nuclear material concentration identification was affected by the change of the distance and angle of the detector is solved, and the accuracy of this method is better than that of the BP neural network and K-nearest neighbor methods. This paper provides a new idea for the 252Cf-source-driven nuclear material concentration identification.
表 1 不同实验得到的分类准确率一览表
Table 1. Classification accuracy of different experiments
experiment error/% convolutional neural network 7.95 BP neural network feature Ⅰ 37.95 BP neural network feature Ⅱ 12.73 K-nearest neighbor 37.5 -
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