Design of high power self-rotating beam scanning antenna with no phase shifter
摘要: 设计了一种无移相器结构的平板高功率天线,通过辐射层自旋转方式改变口径场相位分布,从而实现空间波束扫描,满足轻质、低剖面集成要求,辐射增益36 dB,波束扫描范围-30°至+30°,GW级功率容量,满足Ku波段工作的系统指标与能力要求。对天线进行了实物加工与测试,测试结果说明该天线具有良好的波束扫描特性和较高的口径辐射效率。无需加载移相馈电网络便可改变波束指向,具有伺服简单,结构紧凑,平面化、低剖面、轻质等优点,可广泛应用于机载、车载、舰载等高功率微波系统的表面共形发射。Abstract: In this paper, a high power planar antenna without phase shifter is designed. This antenna realizes the function of space beam scanning through the phase distribution change of the aperture field via strata radiatum self-rotating, and realizes the requirements of light weight, and low profile integration. The gain of the antenna is 36 dB, the beam scanning range is from -30° to +30°, the power capability level is GW, the frequency range is Ku. We fabricated the antenna and tested its parameters, the results indicate that the antenna has high technical index in beam scanning and high aperture radiation efficiency. Compared with the traditional phased array antennae, this antenna can realize phase regulation, change the beam pointing without phase-shifted feed network, and it has the advantages such as simple servo, compact structure, low profile and low weight. This antenna can be applied to the surface conformal emission technique of the airborne, vehicular, shipboard high power weapon system.
表 1 天线测试结果
Table 1. Result of testing
frequency rceived power of measured antenna/dBm rceived power of standard antenna/dBm gain of standard antenna/dB gain of measured antenna/dB f-0.15 GHz 23.71 -36.80 23.33 36.42 f -23.32 -36.63 23.39 36.70 f+0.15 GHz -24.56 -37.46 23.48 36.38 -
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