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程俊平 周长林 余道杰 徐志坚 张栋耀

程俊平, 周长林, 余道杰, 等. 基于供电网络传导耦合的FPGA电磁敏感特性分析[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2019, 31: 023202. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.180322
引用本文: 程俊平, 周长林, 余道杰, 等. 基于供电网络传导耦合的FPGA电磁敏感特性分析[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2019, 31: 023202. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.180322
Cheng Junping, Zhou Changlin, Yu Daojie, et al. Electromagnetic susceptibility analysis of FPGA based on conducted coupling of power supply network[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2019, 31: 023202. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.180322
Citation: Cheng Junping, Zhou Changlin, Yu Daojie, et al. Electromagnetic susceptibility analysis of FPGA based on conducted coupling of power supply network[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2019, 31: 023202. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.180322


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.180322

国家自然科学基金项目 61271104

国家自然科学基金项目 61871405


    程俊平(1994-),男,硕士,从事微处理器电磁兼容与电磁环境效应研究; chengjp222306@163.com



  • 中图分类号: TN973

Electromagnetic susceptibility analysis of FPGA based on conducted coupling of power supply network

  • 摘要: 针对电磁干扰(EMI)导致电子系统关键功能单元行为失效或安全问题,研究基于供电网络传导耦合的核心可编程集成电路(IC)电磁敏感(EMS)特性。分析典型FPGA供电网络的拓扑结构及其EMI传导耦合机理,设计基于EMI直接功率注入法的敏感度测试平台,测试受试芯片供电网络EMI传导耦合时典型功能单元的EMS特性,获取输入输出端口(IO)、逻辑单元(LE)、内部锁相环电路(PLL)等功能单元的敏感度阈值,给出LE冗余设计对相应电路EMS特性的影响规律。结果表明,在10 MHz~1 GHz干扰频率范围内,供电网络EMI敏感度由高到低依次为PLL,LE,IO,且IC地网络EMI敏感度高2~7 dBmW,LE冗余设计能有效改善逻辑功能单元电磁敏感度。
  • 图  1  典型FPGA内部供电网络拓扑结构

    Figure  1.  Internal power supply network topology structure of typical FPGA

    图  2  EMI对MOS器件作用图

    Figure  2.  Diagram of EMI on MOS device

    图  3  传导敏感度基本等效耦合模型

    Figure  3.  Basic model of conducted susceptibility

    图  4  待测电路板测试平台

    Figure  4.  Test platform of DUT

    图  5  待测电路板DPI法测试流程

    Figure  5.  DPI test flow of DUT

    图  6  待测FPGA电路板

    Figure  6.  PCB board of FPGA under test

    图  7  电源干扰对不同单元敏感特性影响对比

    Figure  7.  Comparison of susceptibility between different units based on power interference

    图  8  地网络干扰对不同单元敏感特性影响对比

    Figure  8.  Comparison of susceptibility between different units based on ground interference

    图  9  不同网络250 MHz干扰注入时功能电路电磁敏感度对比

    Figure  9.  Comparison of susceptibility of functional circuits with the typical 250 MHz EMI injection through different supply network

    图  10  地网络干扰对不同单元敏感特性影响对比

    Figure  10.  Comparison of susceptibility between different units based on ground interference

    表  1  功能模块工作电压

    Table  1.   Working voltage of functional module

    functional module working voltage/V
    I/O port 3.3
    logic elements 3.3
    embedded memory 3.3
    PLL 2.5
    chip core 1.2
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    表  2  片内单元测试功能

    Table  2.   Functional units in the chip

    unit in the chip PLL logic element(number of usage) IO port
    5 LEs 20 LEs 50 LEs
    logic function output 1 kHz square wave four-bit counter four-bit counter four-bit counter input 1 kHz square wave
    output 1 kHz square wave
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    表  3  冗余电路LE使用数量与敏感特性变化

    Table  3.   Number of LE used in redundant circuits and the change of susceptibility

    functional circuit number of LES used susceptibility improvement/dBm
    5 0
    four-bit counter 25 +0.54
    50 +1.76
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