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朱赛 蔡金燕 吕贵洲 韩春辉 安婷

朱赛, 蔡金燕, 吕贵洲, 等. 不同评价函数下阵列天线自修复分析[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2019, 31: 063201. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.180372
引用本文: 朱赛, 蔡金燕, 吕贵洲, 等. 不同评价函数下阵列天线自修复分析[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2019, 31: 063201. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.180372
Zhu Sai, Cai Jinyan, Lü Guizhou, et al. Analysis on array antenna self-repair based on different fitness functions[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2019, 31: 063201. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.180372
Citation: Zhu Sai, Cai Jinyan, Lü Guizhou, et al. Analysis on array antenna self-repair based on different fitness functions[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2019, 31: 063201. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.180372


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.180372

国家自然科学基金项目 61601495


    朱赛(1987-), 男,博士,讲师,从事阵列天线故障定位与自修复研究;szhumail@163.com

  • 中图分类号: V240.2

Analysis on array antenna self-repair based on different fitness functions

  • 摘要: 由大量阵元组成的阵列天线其性能受不断出现的失效阵元影响,可通过进化重配置阵列中剩余正常阵元激励实现性能修复。分析了阵列天线进化重配置过程,综合分析了自修复过程中评价函数类型,设计了不同评价函数分析流程,通过Chebyshev直线阵的自修复仿真实验,分析了不同评价函数对阵列天线自修复结果的影响,分析结果表明,基于性能参数的评价函数和方向图匹配与性能参数相结合评价函数具有较好性能,该分析结果为具有失效阵元的阵列天线自修复中评价函数选择提供了参考。
  • 图  1  阵列天线自修复计算框图

    Figure  1.  Array antenna self-repair framework

    图  2  不同评价函数下阵列天线自修复

    Figure  2.  Array antenna self-repair under different fitness functions

    表  1  不同评价函数下阵列天线自修复结果统计

    Table  1.   Array antenna self-repair result under different fitness functions

    fault position fitness function repair time/s (mean/standard deviation) maxSLL/dB (mean/standard deviation) avSLL/dB (mean/standard deviation) HPBW/(°) (mean/standard deviation) FNBW/(°) (mean/standard deviation) D/1 (mean/standard deviation)
    -30.00 -30.00 7.95 21.41 11.79
    2 -23.94 -26.28 8.26 22.44 11.11
    Fw 119.91/12.11 -23.17/2.11 -27.90/0.46 8.67/0.17 22.52/0.98 12.57/0.23
    Fp 333.03/36.88 -30.01/0.03 -30.44/0.37 9.16/0.17 25.64/0.76 11.93/0.22
    Fpw 338.61/34.75 -30.02/0.03 -30.28/0.15 9.03/0.14 26.96/4.25 12.09/0.20
    3 -22.10 -24.35 8.23 23.75 12.95
    Fw 155.80/17.50 -23.78/1.12 -27.58/0.35 9.16/0.14 25.12/0.73 11.83/0.17
    Fp 372.74/47.15 -29.57/0.74 -29.88/0.87 10.02/0.11 28.20/0.44 10.90/0.11
    Fpw 378.51/48.86 -29.30/1.39 -29.57/1.50 9.81/0.45 32.67/6.80 11.10/0.53
    4 -20.50 -21.89 8.12 25.30 12.83
    Fw 119.11/8.97 -21.00/0.80 -27.29/0.18 9.45/0.11 26.92/0.56 11.34/0.16
    Fp 326.11/22.41 -27.30/2.31 -27.54/2.41 10.17/0.97 28.58/3.26 10.73/1.00
    Fpw 329.35/22.52 -28.87/2.85 -29.11/2.96 8.88/1.35 58.80/23.21 11.49/1.12
    5 -19.22 -20.45 7.98 26.45 12.79
    Fw 141.91/14.11 -17.85/1.41 -27.15/0.73 9.23/0.36 28.99/0.84 11.11/0.33
    Fp 327.99/32.65 -20.84/0.04 -20.86/0.05 7.97/0.05 21.37/0.07 12.82/0.08
    Fpw 336.09/37.63 -27.12/2.38 -27.45/2.70 9.61/1.58 44.18/19.23 10.82/1.25
    11 -20.50 -21.89 8.12 25.30 12.83
    Fw 116.09/4.77 -21.55/2.06 -27.38/0.68 9.64/0.37 27.20/1.27 11.15/0.35
    Fp 323.95/14.91 -28.02/1.98 -28.38/2.12 10.52/0.76 29.88/2.58 10.37/0.74
    Fpw 329.65/11.53 -29.62/1.44 -30.14/1.70 8.70/1.11 64.60/20.61 11.46/0.79
    14 -22.10 -24.35 8.23 23.75 12.95
    Fw 110.97/0.67 -24.67/1.40 -28.08/0.29 9.21/0.18 25.64/0.84 11.76/0.22
    Fp 309.84/0.71 -29.45/1.34 -30.01/1.53 9.93/0.38 27.93/1.35 11.00/0.42
    Fpw 314.14/0.55 -29.84/0.47 -30.46/0.78 9.91/0.16 34.98/6.47 10.98/0.15
    16 -25.52 -29.22 8.32 21.73 11.17
    Fw 151.22/18.38 -23.93/1.64 -28.37/0.34 8.56/0.17 22.14/0.98 12.75/0.25
    Fp 365.52/61.14 -30.03/0.04 -30.74/0.47 8.64/0.03 23.41/0.12 12.69/0.05
    Fpw 373.55/53.38 -30.02/0.02 -30.62/0.28 8.63/0.03 23.92/2.21 12.71/0.04
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