Calculation of high power microwave coupled field distribution in buildings based on physical optics method
摘要: 利用物理光学法计算了高功率微波在建筑物内的耦合场分布。根据建筑物墙壁和窗户的透射率可以得到墙壁内侧的透射场,将它代入到矢量衍射公式中直接计算出在整个建筑物内的透射场;根据建筑物地面的反射率得到地板表面的反射场,将它代入到矢量衍射公式中可计算出整个建筑物内的反射场;对透射场与反射场进行矢量相加,得到叠加场。将本文方法得到的场分布情况和时域有限差分法得到的场分布进行比较,二者结果一致。物理光学法的优点在于其物理图像清晰,计算量小,计算速度快,适合应用在大型建筑物内部耦合场分布计算上。Abstract: The coupled field distribution of high power microwave in buildings is calculated by physical optics method. With the transmittivity of the wall and window, the approximate field distribution on the inner surface of wall can be calculated. Substituting the surface transmitted field distribution of the wall into the vector diffraction formula, we can get the transmitted field in the building. With the reflectivity of the floor, the approximate reflection field on the floor's surface can be calculated. Substituting the surface reflected field distribution of the floor into the vector diffraction formula, we can get the reflected field in the building. The superposition field is obtained by vector addition of transmission field and reflection field. The field distribution result of this method and that of the finite-difference time-domain method are in good agreement. The advantages of physical optics method lie in its clear physical image, small amount of computation and fast computation speed.The method is suitable for the calculation of coupled field distribution in large buildings.
表 1 两种方法计算有效面积比的差别
Table 1. Difference of effect area ratio of two methods
threshold/(V·m-1) difference of effect area ratio/% z=0.1 m z=0.3 m z=0.6 m z=0.9 m 0.1 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.3 2 10 8 7 0.4 8 17 10 1 0.5 8 15 2 10 0.6 6 7 7 10 0.7 2 13 2 10 0.8 4 5 6 5 0.9 4 8 9 15 1.0 2 7 2 3 -
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