Random vibration response analysis of Shenguang laser facility component based on PANDA platform
摘要: 基于PANDA自主并行计算平台,采用模态叠加法开展了多点基础激励作用下的随机振动响应分析算法设计和并行实现研究,构建了相应的并行求解模块。针对光机装置打靶样机中的六自由度平台结构,基于自主研发的软件模块,分析了该结构的模态特性及结构在地脉动载荷下的微振动响应,并与试验结果及商业软件分析结果进行了比对,在模态频率、振型和位移响应方面,都具有较好的一致性,验证了相关软件模块的正确性和PANDA平台在实际工程结构分析中的可用性。Abstract: Reliability design requirements for large and complex equipment pose new challenges to numerical simulation of structural dynamics. In this paper, based on self-developed parallel computing platform PANDA, the modal superposition method is used to calculate the random vibration response under multi-point foundation excitation. The algorithm design and parallel implementation are carried out, and the corresponding solving module is constructed. Taking the six-degree-of-freedom platform structure in the target positioning prototype of Shenguang facility as a numerical example, the modal and random vibration responses of the structure under ground fluctuating load are analyzed with our self-developed progress modules in PANDA platform. The analysis results are compared with the test results and commercial software analysis results. In terms of mode frequency, mode shape and displacement response, the results are consistent, which verifies the correctness of the relevant software and proves the feasibility of PANDA platform in actual engineering structural analysis. The correlative studies have important significance on solving dynamic analysis problems of complex equipments with autonomic software and breaking limitations of commercial finite element software.
表 1 结构前七阶固有频率比较
Table 1. The comparison of first five natural frequencies between simulation and test
rank experimentation
frequency/HzPANDA commercial software error between PAND and
commercial software/%frequency/Hz error/% frequency/Hz error/% 1 16.52 16.49 −0.18 16.53 0.06 −0.24 2 20.26 20.21 −0.25 20.24 −0.10 −0.15 3 44.20 41.97 −5.05 42.05 −4.86 −0.19 4 53.66 54.42 1.42 54.47 1.51 −0.09 5 57.45 57.55 0.17 57.59 0.24 −0.16 6 − 71.17 − 71.46 − −0.41 7 − 88.01 − 88.48 − −0.53 表 2 结构测点合位移计算结果与试验结果比较
Table 2. The comparison of deform response between simulation and test
point experimentation PANDA commercial software error between PANDA and
commercial software/%deform response
range/10−2 μmmean value/
10−2 μmdeform response/
10−2 μmerror/% deform response/
10−2 μmerror/% 1 [2.07, 2.47] 2.25 2.35 4.44 2.34 4.00 0.43 2 [2.03, 2.61] 2.30 2.56 11.30 2.58 12.17 −0.78 3 [2.16, 2.75] 2.44 2.66 9.02 2.69 10.16 −1.11 4 [2.99, 4.32] 3.73 4.03 8.04 4.07 9.06 −0.98 5 [4.66, 6.96] 5.99 6.01 0.33 6.02 0.57 −0.17 -
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