Design of square pulse forming network with adjacent mutual coupling inductors
摘要: 针对小型化紧凑型脉冲源的应用需求,开展了电感存在互耦的准方波脉冲形成网络设计技术研究。首先介绍了基于坐标轮换-直接搜索法的准方波脉冲形成网络优化技术研究,获得了网络元件的电感、电容值以及准方波的解析表达式;然后推导了邻近电感互耦网络的等效去耦电路解算方法,基于回溯法,最终给出了全网络各元件值的求解算法;最后分别针对等电容情形及规定电容的情形,求解给出了网络元件参数值。算例结果表明:电感存在互耦的准方波脉冲形成网络可获得较理想的准方波脉冲输出。基于互耦电感的巧妙设计,有利于实现紧凑型准方波脉冲形成网络的设计。Abstract: Considering the application requirement of compact and miniaturized pulse source, the design technique of the quasi-square wave pulse forming network with adjacent mutual coupling inductors is studied. Firstly, the network optimization technique based on the univariate search method is introduced, and the values of the inductance and capacitance and the analytical expressions of quasi-square wave are obtained. Then the equivalent decoupling circuit of the network with adjacent mutual coupling inductors is deduced. Based on the backtracking algorithm, the method for calculating the values of each element in the network is given. Finally, in cases of equal capacitance and constrained capacitance, the parameters of each element in the network are given. The numerical results show that the ideal quasi-square-wave pulse with a certain width flat-top can be produced by using the designed PFN with adjacent mutual coupling inductors. The ingenious design based on mutual coupling inductance is beneficial to the design of compact quasi-square wave pulse forming network.
表 1 五节B型脉冲形成网络元件参数
Table 1. Parameters of devices in 5-stage B-type PFN
No. of stage L/μH C/μF 1 0.126 7 0.066 7 2 0.058 6 0.057 9 3 0.059 6 0.063 0 4 0.068 4 0.077 6 5 0.095 3 0.145 0 表 2 电容相等时邻近电感互耦的五节B型网路元件参数
Table 2. Parameters of devices in 5-stage B-type PFN with equal capacitors and adjacent mutual coupling inductors
coupling type C/μF L1/μH L2/μH L3/μH L4/μH L5/μH M1/μH M2/μH M3/μH M4/μH in-phase 0.098 378 0.149 565 0.075 587 0.073 823 0.076 589 0.087 982 0.007 871 0.012 273 0.011 811 0.009 485 out of phase 0.098 378 0.750 737 0.300 062 0.033 790 0.047 048 0.088 280 0.422 768 0.009 909 0.011 049 0.018 127 表 3 电容不等时邻近电感互耦的5节B型网路元件参数
Table 3. Parameters of devices in 5-stage B-type PFN with constrained capacitors and adjacent mutual coupling inductors
coupling type L1/μH L2/μH L3/μH L4/μH L5/μH M1/μH M2/μH M3/μH M4/μH in-phase 0.149 773 0.074 779 0.074 281 0.079 481 0.089 813 0.008 815 0.007 703 0.016 160 0.014 501 out of phase 0.740 300 0.295 738 0.034 265 0.044 260 0.091 035 0.415 044 0.012 123 0.009 084 0.013 038 -
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