Microstructure characterization and thermionic emission performance of barium-tungsten cathode
摘要: 利用正交试验探讨了放电等离子技术工艺参数(温度、压力、保温时间)对钡-钨(Ba-W)阴极中的W的孔隙度的影响规律,获得了孔隙率在23%~30%内变化时所需要的最佳工艺参数。在此基础上,制备出了具有不同孔隙度的球形W基体和普通不规则的W基体。研究表明:球形多孔W颗粒间堆积、排列有序,无闭孔,孔径分布集中而均匀,在26.3%的孔隙度下中值孔径为1.41 μm;机械性能方面,球形钨粉基体维氏硬度低于传统普通不规则钨多孔体。在脉宽10 μs、频率1000 Hz的条件下,阴极脉冲发射电流密度随着孔隙度的增大,先增大后减小。当基体孔隙度为26.3%时,阴极电流发射密度最大,在1050 ℃,偏离点发射电流密度可达24.62 A/cm2,零场发射电流密度为7.62 A/cm2,功函数为1.95 eV。Abstract: The effect of the parameters (sintering temperature, pressure, holding time) of spark plasma sintering technique on the W porosity of Ba-W cathode was studied by orthogonal method. When the W porosity varied in the range of 23%−30%, the corresponding process parameters were obtained. On this basis, the spherical and traditional irregular W matrix with different porosity were sintered. The results show that the spherical porous W particles were packed and arranged orderly, and the pore size distribution was concentrated and uniform. When the porosity of spherical W was 26.3%, the size of the median pore was 1.41 μm. The vickers hardness of spherical tungsten matrix was lower than that of conventional irregular tungsten matrix. Under the condition of pulse width 10 μs and frequency 1000 Hz, the impulse current density of Ba-W cathode increased at first and then decreased with the increase in porosity. The maximum current density belonged to the Ba-W cathode with the matrix porosity of 26.3%. At 1050 ℃, the off-point emission current density of Ba-W cathode reached 24.62 A/cm2, the corresponding zero-field current density and workfunction were 7.62 A/cm2 and 1.95 eV, respectively.
表 1 参数因素水平
Table 1. Parametric factor level
level temperature/℃ holding time/min pressure/MPa 1 1500 1 15 2 1600 2 20 3 1700 3 25 表 2 正交试验方案及结果
Table 2. Orthogonal experimental results
number A B C error porosity/% 1 1500 1 15 1 28.34 2 1500 2 20 2 25.33 3 1500 3 25 3 21.00 4 1600 2 15 3 22.05 5 1600 3 20 1 19.56 6 1600 1 25 2 21.97 7 1700 3 15 2 19.46 8 1700 1 20 3 18.15 9 1700 2 25 1 15.97 表 3 正交试验极差分析
Table 3. Orthogonal experiment range analysis
A B C error K 74.67 68.46 69.85 63.87 63.58 63.35 63.04 66.76 53.58 60.02 58.94 61.20 R 21.09 8.44 10.91 5.56 表 4 正交试验方差分析,各因素偏方差和(SA)、自由度(f )与置信度(α)
Table 4. Orthogonal experiment variance analysis,sum of variance(SA),degree of freedom(f ) and confidence (α) of each factor
source SA f F α degree temperature(A) 74.20 2 14.39 0.1 high holding Time(B) 12.05 2 2.34 0.25 low pressure(C) 20.25 2 3.93 0.25 middle error 5.16 2 SUM 111.66 8 表 5 不同温度与孔隙度阴极偏离点电流密度
Table 5. Cathode deviation point values of different temperature and porosity
temperature/℃ Jdev with different spherical matrix cathode/(A·cm−2) 23.4% 26.3% 30.5% 900 8.42 10.27 8.60 1000 10.66 14.77 11.43 1050 12.37 24.62 13.00 1100 13.95 33.07 14.56 表 6 1050 ℃下各阴极J0与Φ
Table 6. J0 and Φ values of three cathodes after activated at 1050 ℃
activated temperature/℃ J0/(A·cm−2) Φ/eV 23.4% 26.3% 30.5% 23.4% 26.3% 30.5% 1050 3.79 7.62 3.10 2.03 1.95 2.05 -
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