New type of triggered vacuum switch based on gas-breathing electrode
摘要: 针对真空触发开关触发时延和抖动大、使用寿命不长的难题,设计了一种基于吸气电极的新型真空触发开关,开展工作寿命测试实验和不同触发极性、主间隙电压和触发能量下的导通特性实验。实验结果表明:与纯金属电极开关相比,吸气电极开关的触发时延和抖动更小,工作寿命更长。负极性触发时的触发时延和抖动均远低于正极性触发。正极性触发的触发时延为1.7~3 μs,抖动为300~700 ns,而负极性触发的触发时延为400~600 ns,抖动为30~70 ns。触发时延和抖动都随着触发能量的增大而减小,但当能量高于一定值后,触发能量对导通特性的影响趋于饱和。Abstract: Aiming at the difficult problems of trigger delay, jitter and short life of triggered vacuum switch, A new type of triggered vacuum switch based on a gas-breathing electrode was designed to carry out life test and conduction characteristic experiment under different trigger polarity, main gap voltage and trigger energy. The experimental results show that compared with the pure metal electrode switch, the gas-breathing electrode switch has shorter trigger delay, shorter jitter and longer working life. The trigger delay and jitter of negative polarity trigger are lower than that of positive polarity trigger. The trigger delay of positive polarity trigger is 1.7−3.0 μs, and the delay jitter is 300−700 ns. The trigger delay of negative polarity trigger is 400−600 ns, and the jitter is 30−70 ns. The trigger delay and jitter decrease with the increase of trigger energy, but when the energy is higher than a certain value, the influence of trigger energy on the conduction characteristics tends to be saturated.
Key words:
- gas-breathing electrode /
- triggered vacuum switch /
- trigger delay /
- trigger polarity /
- trigger energy /
- working life
表 1 吸气触发极开关统计结果
Table 1. Statistical results of gas-breathing trigger electrode switch
No. average trigger breakdown voltage/kV average trigger delay/ns success rate of conduction/% 0~50 3.85 390 100 51~100 3.54 453 100 101~150 3.61 385 100 151−200 3.27 480 100 201~250 3.31 430 100 251~300 3.22 498 98 表 2 金属触发极开关统计结果
Table 2. Statistical results of metal trigger electrode switch
No. average trigger breakdown voltage/kV average trigger delay/ns success rate of conduction/% 0~50 4.02 1850 100 51~100 3.21 2270 94 101−150 2.65 2460 80 151~200 2.13 2750 68 201~250 1.67 3100 44 251~300 1.32 3460 24 -
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