Simulation of 300 MV·A motor generator feeding the toroidal field power supply
摘要: 为实现对环向场电流的高效准确控制,提高中国环流器二号M托卡马克装置的实验效率,开展了针对300 MV·A六相脉冲发电机组向环向场脉冲放电的仿真研究。从300 MV·A六相脉冲发电机组向聚变装置环向场供电系统的拓扑出发,以等效处理分析为基础建立了仿真模型并进行脉冲放电动态过程仿真。通过对比分析仿真波形与300 MV·A六相脉冲发电机组向HL-2A装置供电的实际波形,验证了仿真模型的可靠性和合理性。在此基础上进行了300 MV·A六相脉冲发电机组向HL-2M环向场供电过程仿真研究,根据不同的环向场电流平顶值,得到了其对应的300 MV·A六相脉冲发电机组励磁电压控制波形,可以作为下阶段装置高参数实验实际控制的重要参考和先进控制策略研究平台。Abstract: To control the toroidal field current efficiently and accurately, and to improve the experimental efficiency of the HL-2M tokamak, a simulation study on 300 MV·A six-phase motor generator (MG) feeding the toroidal field power supply (TFPS) is carried out. The topology of 300 MV·A six-phase MG feeding the TFPS is introduced, and its simulation model is established based on the equivalent processing analysis and the dynamic process of pulse discharge is simulated. The reliability and rationality of the simulation model are verified by comparing the simulation waveforms with the actual waveforms of the 300 MV·A six-phase MG feeding the TFPS of the HL-2A Tokamak. On this basis, the simulation of 300 MVA six-phase MG feeding the TFPS of HL-2M is carried out, and the corresponding excitation voltage control waveforms of the MG are obtained according to the different flat top values of the TF current, providing an important reference for the next stage high-parameter experimental control and research platform of advanced control strategy.
Key words:
- toroidal field /
- motor generator /
- power supply system /
- simulation /
- excitation voltage
表 1 同步发电机的主要参数
Table 1. Main parameters of synchronous generator
moderated speed/
inertia/(kg·m2)rated excitation
voltage/Vrated excitation
current/A3000 29 000 dual Y shift 30° 335~500 67~100 7 300 000 3492~4093 301~353 表 2 环向场的主要参数
Table 2. Main parameters of the toroidal field
maximum magnetic
induction/Tinductance/mH resistance/mΩ time constant/s maximum flat-top
time/sTF of HL-2A 2.8 230 58 4 5 TF of HL-2M 3 32 4 8 7 -
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