The self-ion irradiation effects in 6061-Al alloy
摘要: 铝合金是国内外研究堆的主要结构材料,在前期300#研究堆主要结构材料铝合金辐照性能研究的基础上,通过离子辐照研究6061-Al合金的微观结构损伤和引起的硬度变化,以开展较高辐照剂量下6061-Al合金损伤效应的前期探索。结果表明,经过自离子辐照后,6061-Al合金中产生了夹角为72°的位错环等缺陷,随着辐照剂量从0.218×1016 cm−2增加到4.367×1016 cm−2,缺陷密度明显增加,但选区电子衍射表明合金保持了很好的晶体结构,并没有发生非晶化。纳米压痕测试表明,不同辐照剂量下,样品中产生了不同程度的硬化,且微观硬度随着辐照剂量的增加而增加,当剂量增加到2.183×1016和4.367×1016 cm−2时,辐照硬化达到饱和,约为11%。研究结果可为初步预测较高中子辐照剂量下6061-Al合金结构和性能的变化提供数据支撑。Abstract: Aluminum alloy is the main structural material of research reactors at home and abroad. In this paper, on the basis of the research on the irradiation damage of the structural material aluminum alloy in the 300# research reactor, the microstructural damage and hardness change caused by ion irradiation in 6061-Al alloy are studied to carry out the early exploration of the damage effect of 6061-Al alloy under higher neutron irradiation doses. The results show that 1/3<111> dislocation loops with angles of 72° are generated in 6061-Al alloy after self-ion irradiation. The defect density increases obviously with the increasing irradiation dose from 0.218×1016 cm−2 to 4.367×1016 cm−2. However, the selected area electron diffraction shows a good lattice structure and no amorphous transformation occurs. Nano-indentation test demonstrates obvious irradiation hardening after irradiation and the microhardness increases with the increasing doses. At the highest damage dose of 2.183×1016 cm−2 and 4.367×1016 cm−2, the hardening reaches saturation, approaching 11%. These results can provide data support for the preliminary prediction of the structure and property change in 6061-Al alloy under high neutron irradiation dose.
Key words:
- 6061-Al alloy /
- ion irradiation /
- dislocation loop /
- irradiation hardening /
- defect
表 1 国产核级6061-Al合金的化学成分
Table 1. Chemical composition of nuclear-grade 6061-Al alloy
elements mass fraction/% Mg 0.80~1.20 Si 0.40~0.80 Cu 0.15~0.40 Cr 0.04~0.35 Fe ≤0.70 Mn ≤0.04 Ti ≤0.15 Zn ≤0.25 other impurity elements ≤0.05 Al balanced -
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