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张彼德 李万顺 王冰川

张彼德, 李万顺, 王冰川. 不同电极结构下双通道大气压He等离子体射流数值研究[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2022, 34: 085003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.210533
引用本文: 张彼德, 李万顺, 王冰川. 不同电极结构下双通道大气压He等离子体射流数值研究[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2022, 34: 085003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.210533
Zhang Bide, Li Wanshun, Wang Bingchuan. Numerical study of atmospheric pressure He plasma jets with dual-channel inlet under different electrode structures[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2022, 34: 085003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.210533
Citation: Zhang Bide, Li Wanshun, Wang Bingchuan. Numerical study of atmospheric pressure He plasma jets with dual-channel inlet under different electrode structures[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2022, 34: 085003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.210533


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.210533


  • 中图分类号: O531

Numerical study of atmospheric pressure He plasma jets with dual-channel inlet under different electrode structures

  • 摘要: 采用二维轴对称流体模型对单电极结构(不锈钢针管)和双电极结构(不锈钢针管-高压环形电极)下同轴双通道进气的大气压氦气等离子体射流进行了对比研究。研究表明:相比于单电极结构,双电极结构下射流的传播速度明显降低,介质管内尤为严重。同时双电极结构下射流的空间结构也发生了显著变化。在单电极结构下,随射流发展由环形中空结构转变为实心圆盘结构;而在双电极结构下则呈现出实心圆盘结构至环形中空结构再至实心圆盘结构的演化过程,改善了射流空间分布的均匀性。此外,还研究了双电极结构下高压环形电极厚度对射流的影响。研究表明,随环形电极厚度的增加,射流的传播速度进一步降低,射流通道径向收缩,同时环形中空结构的射流内径减小,进而改善了射流径向分布的均匀性。
  • 图  1  结构示意图和模拟区域

    Figure  1.  Structure schematics and simulation domain

    图  2  中性流场计算结果

    Figure  2.  Calculation results of the neutral gas flow

    图  3  单电极结构下介质管壁中存在和不存在环形空腔时电子密度的空间分布

    Figure  3.  Spatial profiles of electron density with and without ring-shaped space in the dielectric tube wall under single electrode structure

    图  4  单电极和双电极结构下射流传播至不同轴向位置时电子密度的空间分布

    Figure  4.  Spatial profiles of electron density as the jet propagates to different axial positions for single and double electrode structure

    图  5  单电极和双电极结构下电离波传播至不同轴向位置时电场的空间分布

    Figure  5.  Spatial profiles of electric field when the ionization wave propagates to different axial positions for single and double electrode structure

    图  6  单电极和双电极结构下电离波在管内和管外传播至不同轴向位置时电离头处电场的径向分布

    Figure  6.  Radial profiles of electric field in the ionization head when the ionization wave propagates to different axial positions inside and outside the tube for single and double electrode structure

    Note: solid line: the single electrode structure; dashed line: the double electrode structure

    图  7  单电极和双电极结构下射流传播至轴向位置z=3 mm时活性粒子的空间分布

    Figure  7.  Spatial profiles of reactive species as the jet propagates to axial position z=3 mm for single and double electrode structure

    图  8  双电极结构下不同环形电极厚度时电子密度的空间分布

    Figure  8.  Spatial profiles of electron density at different ring electrode thicknesses for double electrode structure

    图  9  双电极结构下不同环形电极厚度时电离波传播至轴向位置z=11、8、4 mm时电离速率的空间分布

    Figure  9.  Spatial profiles of ionization rate when the ionization wave propagates to axial positions z=11, 8, 4 mm at different ring electrode thicknesses for double electrode structure

    图  10  双电极结构下不同环形电极厚度时电离波传播至轴向位置z=11、8、4 mm时电离头处电离速率的径向分布

    Figure  10.  Radial profiles of ionization rate in the ionization head when the ionization wave propagates to axial positions z=11, 8, 4 mm at different ring electrode thicknesses for double electrode structure

    表  1  模拟中采用的化学反应

    Table  1.   Chemistry reactions used in the simulation

    indexreactionrate coefficientreference
    (R1)e + He → e + HeBOLSIG+[21]
    (R2)e + He → e + He*BOLSIG+[21]
    (R3)e + He → 2e + He+BOLSIG+[21]
    (R4)e + N2 → 2e + N2+BOLSIG+[21]
    (R5)e + N2 → e + N2(c3Π)BOLSIG+[21]
    (R6)He+ + 2He → He2+ + He1.1 ×10−43 [m6/s][22]
    (R7)He* + 2He → He2* + He2.0 ×10−46 [m6/s][22]
    (R8)2He2* → He2+ + 2He + e1.5 ×10−15 [m3/s][22]
    (R9)He2* + M → 2He + M1.0 ×104 [1/s][22]
    (R10)2He* → He2+ + e1.5 ×10−15 [m3/s][22]
    (R11)e + He2+ → He + He*8.9 ×10−15 (Te/Tg) −1.5 [m3/s][22]
    (R12)e + N2+ → N24.8 ×10−13 (Te/Tg) −0.5 [m3/s][22]
    (R13)He2+ + N2 → N2+ + He2*1.4 ×10−15 [m3/s][22]
    (R14)He* + N2 → He + N2+ + e5.0 ×10−17 [m3/s][22]
    (R15)He2* + N2 → 2He + N2+ + e3.0 ×10−17 [m3/s][22]
    (R16)N2+ + 2N2 → N4+ + N21.9 ×10−41 [m6/s][22]
    (R17)N2+ + N2 +He → N4+ + He5.0 ×10−41 [m6/s][22]
    (R18)N4+ + N2 → N2+ + 2N22.5 ×10−21 [m3/s][22]
    (R19)N4+ + He → He + N2 + N2+2.5 ×10−21 [m3/s][22]
    (R20)e + N4+ → 2N22.0 ×10−12 [m3/s][21]
    (R21)N2(c3πΠ) → N2 + hv2.45 ×107 [1/s][21]
    Note: In reaction R9, “M” represents background particles He and N2.
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