A driver circuit to adjust the pulse edges of Marx generators
摘要: 为了调节固态Marx发生器输出脉冲的边沿,提出了一种新型的的驱动电路,该方案通过调整充放电管的驱动电压,结合驱动电路的硬件结构,调节米勒平台时间,进而调整充放电管开通速度,实现了对于高压输出脉冲的边沿调节,其结构简单,不需要每级独立的控制信号。对于该电路中驱动电压和开关管开通速度的关系建立了模型进行了推导。结合理论分析结果设计了驱动电路的参数,仿真结果表明该驱动电路能够调节输出脉冲边沿。搭建带有设计参数下驱动电路的固态Marx发生器在容性负载下和阻性负载下进行了实验验证。利用该方案实现了对于6级Marx电路的3.6 kV输出脉冲在55~7.7 µs的边沿调节,验证了该方案的可行性,并对比分析了不同阻性负载对于脉冲边沿造成的影响。实验结果表明:该电路在提高固态脉冲电源的边沿调节性能方面有独特的优势。Abstract: A novel driving circuit for the adjustment of pulse edges in Marx generators is proposed. By adjusting the driving voltage amplitudes of the charge and discharge switches, the Miller plateau time is controlled in the driving circuit. Then the turn-on speed of the switches and the pulse edges of high-voltage pulses are adjusted. This drive circuit is simple in structure and does not require additional independent signals. A model is established to study the relationship between the driving voltage amplitudes and the turn-on speed of switches. Combined with the theoretical analysis results, the parameters of the driving circuit are designed, and the simulation results show that the driving circuit can adjust the pulse edge. A solid-state Marx generator with the proposed driving circuit was built to experiment under capacitive load and resistive load. Using this method, the edge adjustment of 3.6 kV output pulse from 55 ns to 7.7 μs for 6-stage Marx circuit was achieved, and the influence of different resistive loads on the pulse edge is compared and analyzed. The experiment results show that the driving circuit has unique advantages in improving the edge adjustment performance of pulsed generators.
Key words:
- solid-state Marx generators /
- pulse edge adjustment /
- Miller plateau /
- driving circuit
表 1 单个MOSFET驱动电路参数
Table 1. Experimental circuit parameters
gate MOSFET Uz1/V R1/Ω R2/Ω Cgd/pF Rc/Ω AO3407 13 56 10 150 10 -
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