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韩小祥 李君 张欣 原林 刘洋 王博宇

韩小祥, 李君, 张欣, 等. 核爆炸光辐射能量分布的模拟仿真研究[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2024, 36: 076003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.230406
引用本文: 韩小祥, 李君, 张欣, 等. 核爆炸光辐射能量分布的模拟仿真研究[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2024, 36: 076003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.230406
Han Xiaoxiang, Li Jun, Zhang Xin, et al. Simulation research on energy distribution of light radiation from nuclear explosion[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2024, 36: 076003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.230406
Citation: Han Xiaoxiang, Li Jun, Zhang Xin, et al. Simulation research on energy distribution of light radiation from nuclear explosion[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2024, 36: 076003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.230406


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.230406
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(U2330109、61805212); 陕西省自然科学基金项目(2022JQ-660、2020JQ-830)




  • 中图分类号: O381

Simulation research on energy distribution of light radiation from nuclear explosion

  • 摘要: 光辐射是核爆炸中能量的重要组成部分,因此研究其在空间中的热能分布规律具有重要的意义。根据核爆炸理论中火球的发展规律和光辐射的瞬时能量特征得到核爆炸光辐射的热能计算公式,该公式主要与爆炸高度、爆炸当量、大气衰减系数、火球半径和火球温度有关。首先,通过设计不同地图、改变核爆的相关参数进行模拟计算,分析了核爆炸光辐射热能的分布特点。然后,结合光辐射烧伤的伤情分级标准,在模拟程序中添加搜寻功能,实现自动对虚拟地图的伤情分级半径区域进行划分。最后,采用神经网络训练模拟数据,得到核爆的相关参数与地图伤情分级半径的映射关系,从而能够由核爆炸参数直接预测目标地图上的伤情分级半径,可大大缩短计算时间。
  • 图  1  点源爆炸的热辐射模型

    Figure  1.  Thermal radiation model of point source explosion

    图  2  人工神经元结构图

    Figure  2.  Structure diagram of an artificial neuron

    图  3  核爆炸光辐射的模拟仿真设计图

    Figure  3.  Design diagram for numerical simulation of nuclear explosion light radiation

    图  4  虚拟山地的地图下不同时刻核爆炸光辐射瞬时热能分布图

    Figure  4.  Instantaneous thermal energy distribution of nuclear explosion light radiation at different time under virtual mountain map

    图  5  虚拟城市地图下不同时刻核爆炸光辐射瞬时热能分布图

    Figure  5.  Instantaneous thermal energy distribution of nuclear explosion light radiation at different time under virtual city map

    图  6  不同参数对应的核爆炸光辐射热能图

    Figure  6.  Thermal energy maps of optical radiation from nuclear explosions corresponding to different parameter

    图  7  湿度与核爆炸光辐射热能之间关系图

    Figure  7.  Relationship between humidity and thermal energy of nuclear explosion

    图  8  虚拟山地的烧伤区域划分图

    Figure  8.  Nuclear explosion burn area division on virtual mountain map

    图  9  人工神经网络的预测模型图

    Figure  9.  Artificial neural network prediction model

    图  10  神经网络模型预测结果与误差图

    Figure  10.  Artificial prediction results and error diagram of neural network mode

    表  1  光辐射对生物的烧伤伤情分级标准

    Table  1.   Grades for classification of biological burns caused by light radiation

    grading rules of
    injury severity in light
    radiation burns
    ratio of
    burn area
    thermal energy
    value of light
    minor burn<10%5.01~14.95Systemic symptoms are generally not obvious and usually do not result in loss of combat effectiveness.
    moderate burn10%~20%14.95~30.14Systemic symptoms are obvious, and some may experience shock, but the injuries are usually not very serious.
    severe burn20%~50%30.14~50.17Systemic symptoms are generally severe, with shock occurring in the early stages and soon entering an infection phase that lasts for several days to weeks. If actively treated, the vast majority of these injuries can be cured, and they will quickly lose their combat effectiveness after injury.
    extremely severe burn>50%>50.17In the early stages, there is often severe shock, and infections appear early and severe, which brings great difficulties to treatment. The injured will immediately lose their combat effectiveness after injury.
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