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蒋炜 郑涪升 何智兵 叶成 唐永建

蒋炜, 郑涪升, 何智兵, 等. 压缩空气点火的无电烟火泵浦激光技术[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2024, 36: 061008. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240038
引用本文: 蒋炜, 郑涪升, 何智兵, 等. 压缩空气点火的无电烟火泵浦激光技术[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2024, 36: 061008. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240038
Jiang Wei, Zheng Fusheng, He Zhibing, et al. Compressed air ignition non-electric pyrotechnically pumped laser technology[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2024, 36: 061008. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240038
Citation: Jiang Wei, Zheng Fusheng, He Zhibing, et al. Compressed air ignition non-electric pyrotechnically pumped laser technology[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2024, 36: 061008. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240038


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240038
基金项目: 四川省科技支撑计划项目(2021JDRC0019)

    蒋 炜,15569098@qq.com



  • 中图分类号: TN248

Compressed air ignition non-electric pyrotechnically pumped laser technology

  • 摘要: 为了解决传统固体烟火泵浦激光器点火效率低和电能依赖的问题,根据绝热压缩原理,设计使用了完全无电的压缩空气点燃烟火药泵浦Nd:YAG激光介质,提高了点火同步性和烟火药燃烧效率,实现了激光输出阈值药剂量10 mg,使用30 mg KClO4/Zr药剂,获得了30.2 mJ的激光能量,脉冲宽度10 ms,为小型无电高能激光器提供了一条新的实现路径。
  • 图  1  压缩空气点火的烟火泵浦激光器整机结构

    Figure  1.  Compressed air ignition pyrotechnic pumped laser structure

    图  2  烟火药燃烧时间波形

    Figure  2.  Pyrotechnic burn time waveforms

    图  3  压缩空气点火的烟火药燃烧光谱

    Figure  3.  Spectral analysis of pyrotechnic combustion ignited by compressed air

    图  4  压缩空气点火的激光输出光谱

    Figure  4.  Laser output spectrum of compressed air ignition

    图  5  激光时间波形

    Figure  5.  Laser temporal waveforms

    表  1  压缩空气点火实验结果

    Table  1.   Experimental results of compressed air ignition

    cylinder bore diameter/mmpiston stroke/mmluminescent length/mmcompression ratioadiabatic temperature/℃ignition status
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    表  2  压缩空气点火激光输出实验结果

    Table  2.   Experimental results of laser output with compressed air ignition

    pyrotechnic mass/mgcompression ratioluminescent length/mmlaser energy/mJnote
    107.6715no laser
    106.0020no laser
    307.6715cylinder explosion
    407.6715cylinder explosion
    406.0020cylinder explosion
    405.0025cylinder explosion
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    表  3  烟火泵浦激光器的主要研究成果

    Table  3.   Main research achievements of the pyrotechnic pumped laser

    reference ignition
    max threshold
    max pulse
    max pyrotechnic
    max laser
    max specific
    this article compressed air dust cloud 10 5 30 30.2 1.01
    in Ref.[16] point-type electric dust cloud 20 50 150 2151 14.33
    in Ref.[2] line-type electric granular 80 7-10
    in Ref.[10] line-type electric granular 7 500 1000 2.00
    in Ref.[9] line-type electric granular 1.2 50 55 1.10
    in Ref.[23] line-type electric torus 5.6 850 5500 6.47
    in Ref.[15] line-type electric granular 1080 40 2520 1010 0.40
    in Ref.[19] surface flash electric plane 20 10 100 702 7.02
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