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谭笑 邓力 张玲玉 李瑞 付元光 史敦福 刘鹏 杨超

谭笑, 邓力, 张玲玉, 等. JMCT3.0蒙特卡罗质子及低能光子/电子输运功能开发及检验[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2024, 36: 096002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240117
引用本文: 谭笑, 邓力, 张玲玉, 等. JMCT3.0蒙特卡罗质子及低能光子/电子输运功能开发及检验[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2024, 36: 096002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240117
Tan Xiao, Deng Li, Zhang Lingyu, et al. Development and tests of functions of proton, low-energy photon and electron transport in JMCT3.0 Monte Carlo particle transport program[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2024, 36: 096002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240117
Citation: Tan Xiao, Deng Li, Zhang Lingyu, et al. Development and tests of functions of proton, low-energy photon and electron transport in JMCT3.0 Monte Carlo particle transport program[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2024, 36: 096002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240117


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240117
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(12275030, u23b2067)

    谭 笑,dbook1030@foxmail.com


    邓 力,deng_li@iapcm.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号: O571.51

Development and tests of functions of proton, low-energy photon and electron transport in JMCT3.0 Monte Carlo particle transport program

  • 摘要: 高分辨率通用型三维多粒子输运蒙特卡罗软件JMCT能够模拟任意复杂几何系统的中子/光子/电子/质子/分子/光辐射/大气输运问题,支持数十万核的多级并行,已广泛用于辐射屏蔽、反应堆临界安全分析、核探测及核医学等领域。JMCT已升级到3.0版本,相比2.0版本,3.0版本新增了13项功能,改进发展了8种算法,通过对低层JCOGIN框架的优化,计算效率提高30%~600%。新功能主要用于图像诊断、闪光照相、光辐射及大气输运的模拟。JMCT3.0开发了质子、低能光子/电子及分子模拟功能,通过基准检验,验证了算法的正确有效性。
  • 图  1  小步栅格示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of small step bars

    图  2  MCNP6-inp030模型

    Figure  2.  Model of MCNP6-inp030

    图  3  水中电子体通量能谱比较

    Figure  3.  Comparison of energy spectrum of electron volume flux in water

    图  4  ICSBEP-heu-sol-therm-013模型

    Figure  4.  Model of ICSBEP-heu-sol-therm-013

    图  5  JMCT与MCNP小球光子体通量能谱比较

    Figure  5.  Comparison of energy spectrum of photon volume flux between JMCT and MCNP6 for small sphere

    图  6  ICSBEP-heu-met-fast-013模型

    Figure  6.  Model of ICSBEP-heu-met-fast-013

    图  7  JMCT与MCNP体3、体6光子体通量能谱比较

    Figure  7.  Comparison of energy spectrum between JMCT and MCNP6 for photon volume fluxes of body 3 and body 6

    表  1  水中光子体通量统计计数

    Table  1.   Statistical tallies of photon volume flux in water

    energy/MeV ΦJMCT/cm−2 ΦMCNP6/cm−2 relative deviation/%
    6.0000E-04 6.99746E-11 6.99799E-11 0.00757
    1.0000E-03 5.20906E-09 5.20904E-09 0.000384
    total 5.27903E-09 5.27902E-09 0.000189
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    表  2  水中光子体通量能谱统计计数

    Table  2.   Statistical energy spectrum tallies of photon volume flux in water

    energy/MeV ФJMCT/cm−2 ФMCNP6/cm−2 relative deviation/%
    9.18182E-05 4.23205E-12 4.23159E-12 0.01087
    1.82636E-04 5.80115E-12 5.80077E-12 0.00655
    2.73455E-04 6.19310E-12 6.19268E-12 0.00678
    3.64273E-04 7.39524E-12 7.39533E-12 0.00122
    4.55091E-04 8.70878E-12 8.70836E-12 0.00482
    5.45909E-04 9.99978E-12 1.00000E-11 0.0022
    6.36727E-04 1.13276E-11 1.13266E-11 0.00883
    7.27545E-04 1.28006E-11 1.28008E-11 0.00156
    8.18364E-04 1.43628E-11 1.43626E-11 0.00139
    9.09182E-04 1.60751E-11 1.60750E-11 0.000622
    1.00000E-03 2.26673E-11 2.26676E-11 0.00132
    total 1.19563E-10 1.19561E-10 0.00167
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