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王金灿 张振弛 王志 唐桧波 况龙钰 胡广月

王金灿, 张振弛, 王志, 等. 激光等离子体实验中脉冲强磁场设备产生的电磁干扰和屏蔽方法[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2024, 36: 105001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240136
引用本文: 王金灿, 张振弛, 王志, 等. 激光等离子体实验中脉冲强磁场设备产生的电磁干扰和屏蔽方法[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2024, 36: 105001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240136
Wang Jincan, Zhang Zhenchi, Wang Zhi, et al. Generation and mitigation of electromagnetic pulses from pulsed intense magnetic field device in laser plasma experiments[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2024, 36: 105001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240136
Citation: Wang Jincan, Zhang Zhenchi, Wang Zhi, et al. Generation and mitigation of electromagnetic pulses from pulsed intense magnetic field device in laser plasma experiments[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2024, 36: 105001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240136


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240136
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(12175230, 11775223, 12205298);中国科学院战略先导专项项目(XDB16)




    况龙钰, kuangly0402@sina.com


  • 中图分类号: TN788

Generation and mitigation of electromagnetic pulses from pulsed intense magnetic field device in laser plasma experiments

  • 摘要: 脉冲强磁场在高功率激光与物质相互作用领域有着重要的作用。报导了用于激光等离子体实验的脉冲强磁场设备产生的电磁干扰的空间和频谱分布特征以及屏蔽方法的实验结果。发现电磁干扰来自于脉冲强磁场设备的放电主回路、充电和接地的次级回路。这些电磁干扰主要通过电容性耦合进入真空靶室、进而通过传导型耦合途径从靶室进入电子设备,或通过充电线和接地线进入电网或弱电电缆、最终进入电子设备,部分电磁辐射通过自由空间传输方式耦合进电缆和电子设备。通过断开传导型耦合路径和屏蔽自由空间电磁辐射等途径来消弱电磁干扰,对比实验发现这些措施对抑制电磁干扰有明显的效果。这些结果可以应用于强磁场调控激光等离子体的实验研究。
  • 图  1  脉冲强磁场设备结构示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of the structure of the pulsed intense magnetic field device

    图  2  脉冲强磁场设备的三维结构

    Figure  2.  Three dimension structure of pulsed intense magnetic field device

    图  3  电磁干扰测量的实验分布图

    Figure  3.  Experimental setup of electromagnetic pulses measurement

    图  4  放电回路上罗氏线圈测量的放电电流的时间波形和频谱

    Figure  4.  Temporal waveform and frequency spectrum of discharge electric current measured by Rogowski coil

    图  5  高压探针在高压地上测量的电压时间波形和频谱

    Figure  5.  Temporal waveform of voltage and frequency spectra measured at high-voltage ground connection

    图  6  测量光学平台的电磁干扰时,线缆经过地下室上方与不经过放置了高压电源和高压地的地下室上方时测量的电信号及其频谱图

    Figure  6.  Electromagnetic pulses temporal waveform and frequency spectra when the cables passing above the room in basement,or not

    图  7  在靶室上测量的电压时间波形和对应的频谱

    Figure  7.  Temporal waveform of voltage and frequency spectrum measured on the vacuum target chamber

    图  8  (a)靶室上测量电磁干扰的位置示意图,(b)靶室上不同位置的电压抖动幅度与相对于脉冲磁场设备安装法兰距离的关系

    Figure  8.  (a) Schematic diagram of measurement points on vacuum target chamber, (b) the relationship between the amplitude of voltage variation on the vacuum target chamber and the distance from the flange that places the pulsed magnetic field device

    图  9  不同光学平台和接地线上的电磁干扰信号和其频谱图

    Figure  9.  Electromagnetic pulses’ temporal waveform and frequency spectra measured at various optical platforms

    图  10  光学平台不同位置和低压地线上测量的电磁干扰信号的电压幅值

    Figure  10.  Voltage amplitude of electromagnetic pulses measured at different position on optical platforms and low-voltage ground connection

    图  11  不同测量位置的电磁干扰峰值电压和频谱分布

    Figure  11.  Voltage amplitude vs detection position and frequency spectra vs detection position

    图  12  电磁干扰的消减措施

    Figure  12.  Mitigation approaches of electromagnetic pulses

    图  13  金属网制作的屏蔽罩对自由空间电磁干扰的屏蔽效果

    Figure  13.  Mitigation of free-space electromagnetic pulses via shielding shell made by copper metal wire cloth

    图  14  给示波器供电的UPS电源与电网物理断开对电磁干扰的抑制效果

    Figure  14.  Mitigation of electromagnetic pulses via disconnecting the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) of oscilloscope from the power supply grid

    图  15  高压电源控制电路接单独的低压地对电磁干扰的抑制效果

    Figure  15.  Mitigation of electromagnetic pulses via using independent low-voltage grounding connection for high-voltage power supply

    图  16  屏蔽柜对抑制电磁干扰的效果

    Figure  16.  Mitigation of electromagnetic pulses via shielded cabinet

    表  1  不同位置测量的电磁干扰的频谱与幅值

    Table  1.   Spectrum and amplitude of electromagnetic pulse measured at different positions

    amplitude frequency (<1 MHz) frequency (1~10 MHz) frequency (10~25 MHz)
    main discharge
    circuit (source)
    33 kA 0.14 MHz 0.5 MHz
    high-voltage ground
    connection (source)
    1.7 kV 0.14 MHz 0.5 MHz 5 MHz 18.4 MHz 22 MHz
    basement free space
    pulse (source)
    target chamber 46~90 V 0.14 MHz
    0.5 MHz
    2.5 MHz
    3.7 MHz
    5 MHz
    14 MHz
    west optical platform 20~30 V 0.14 MHz
    0.5 MHz
    2.5 MHz
    north optical platform 15~22 V 0.14 MHz
    0.5 MHz
    2.5 MHz
    14 MHz
    small optical platform 10~18 V 5 MHz
    18.4 MHz
    22 MHz
    south optical platform 5~12 V 0.14 MHz
    0.5 MHz
    2.5 MHz
    laser platform 3~5 V 0.5 MHz
    2.5 MHz
    low-voltage ground
    4~10 V 0.14 MHz
    0.5 MHz
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