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尚蔚 苏建仓 曾搏 李锐 王刚 程杰 李永东 高明珠 喻斌雄

尚蔚, 苏建仓, 曾搏, 等. 球墨铸铁电极气体开关特性研究[J]. 强激光与粒子束. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240141
引用本文: 尚蔚, 苏建仓, 曾搏, 等. 球墨铸铁电极气体开关特性研究[J]. 强激光与粒子束. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240141
Shang Wei, Su Jiancang, Zeng Bo, et al. Research on spherical graphite cast iron electrode based gas switch[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240141
Citation: Shang Wei, Su Jiancang, Zeng Bo, et al. Research on spherical graphite cast iron electrode based gas switch[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240141


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240141

    尚 蔚,shangwei@nint.ac.cn



  • 中图分类号: O461.1

Research on spherical graphite cast iron electrode based gas switch

  • 摘要: 高功率容量的气体开关是国内外大型脉冲功率装置的首选,但因气体放电随机性导致的自击穿电压抖动一直以来是脉冲功率装置的瓶颈问题。电极是影响气体开关稳定性和寿命的关键,开关设计总要面临低抖动和长寿命之间的取舍,提出一种兼顾低抖动、长寿命特性的球墨铸铁气体开关。基于对球墨铸铁材料的特性分析,提出球墨均布于电极有利于提高气体开关击穿稳定性的机制,且球状石墨均布于整个电极体内,相比表面结构,具有长寿命的原生优势。设计开展了单级开关稳定性测试实验,结果表明球墨铸铁电极可将传统电极结构3%~4%的重频自击穿抖动有效降低至2.5%。最终利用低抖动球墨电极,设计了5级1 MV等自击穿概率型全密封气体开关,开关抖动进一步降低至2%以下。在测试电压范围960~980 kV,放电电流约9 kA,无维护条件下开展了开关30万脉冲寿命考核,自击穿抖动维持在2%以下,最优达1.7%。开关导通前沿小于5 ns,传输效率大于90%。此结果展现了球墨铸铁作为气体开关电极的应用潜力。
  • 图  1  电极材料扫描电镜图

    Figure  1.  SEM image of QT500-spherical graphite cast iron and 316L stainless steel

    图  2  阴极真空场致电子发射图像

    Figure  2.  Field emission electron image of QT500-spherical graphite cast iron and 316L stainless steel

    图  3  测试结构电场分布

    Figure  3.  Electric field diagram of tested gas switch

    图  4  单间隙击穿电压累积概率分布(SF6, 0.9 MPa)

    Figure  4.  Cumulative distribution function of gas discharge for typical gas gap (SF6, 0.9 MPa)

    图  5  典型放电间隙击穿抖动对比(SF6, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 MPa)

    Figure  5.  Comparison of breakdown jitter along typical gas gaps (SF6, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 MPa)

    图  6  真空场致电子发射稳定性测试

    Figure  6.  Field emission electron stability test under vacuum

    图  7  N2开关单次自击穿稳定性测试.

    Figure  7.  Self-breakdown voltage test of N2 gas switch

    图  8  多级等自击穿概率球墨铸铁开关场强分布(V=−1 MV)

    Figure  8.  Electric field distribution of spherical graphite cast iron equal breakdown probability gas switch (V=−1 MV)

    图  9  多级球墨铸铁开关的静电场模拟

    Figure  9.  Electrostatic simulation for multi-stage spherical graphite cast iron gas switch

    图  10  Tesla型驱动源气体主开关工作典型波形

    Figure  10.  Typical waveform of gas switch for Tesla pulse generator

    图  11  球墨铸铁开关30万脉冲寿命考核的电性能演变趋势

    Figure  11.  Evolution of breakdown voltage and jitter for spherical graphite cast iron gas switch under 300 000 pulses test

    表  1  QT500球墨铸铁材料与316L不锈钢材料性质对比

    Table  1.   Comparison of material properties between spherical graphite cast iron and stainless steel

    material mass fraction/% tensile
    thermal conductivity/
    hardness/HB metallographic
    QT500C: 3.55~3.85;
    Si: 2.34~2.86
    Mn,S,P,Mg: 0.02~0.04
    RE: 0.03~0.05
    ≥500≥32035.712001300170~230austenitic stainless steel
    316LC: ≤0.03; Si: ≤1.00;
    Mn: ≤2.00; S: ≤0.03;
    P: ≤0.045; Mo: 2.00~3.00
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    表  2  四个实验组的开关结构

    Table  2.   Basic structure of 4 experimental groups

    experiment group electrode structure electric field enhancement f cathode material anode material
    group 1 annular spherical 1.1 316L 316L
    group 2 blade-plane 3.6 316L 316L
    group 3 annular spherical 1.1 QT500 QT500
    group 4 annular spherical 1.1 QT500 316L
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