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郑海彪 康乐 陈洁 张雪凯

郑海彪, 康乐, 陈洁, 等. 多场耦合原位拉伸中子衍射实验装置综述[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2024, 36: 106002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240207
引用本文: 郑海彪, 康乐, 陈洁, 等. 多场耦合原位拉伸中子衍射实验装置综述[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2024, 36: 106002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240207
Zheng Haibiao, Kang Le, Chen Jie, et al. A review of multi-field coupled in-situ stretching neutron diffraction experimental devices[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2024, 36: 106002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240207
Citation: Zheng Haibiao, Kang Le, Chen Jie, et al. A review of multi-field coupled in-situ stretching neutron diffraction experimental devices[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2024, 36: 106002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240207


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240207
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目(2020YFA0406201)


  • 中图分类号: TL817.3

A review of multi-field coupled in-situ stretching neutron diffraction experimental devices

  • 摘要:


  • 图  1  拉伸装置中子原位实验的设计原理图

    Figure  1.  Design principle diagram of neutron in-situ experiment in stretching device

    图  2  Vulcan卧式拉伸装置常温原位实验原理图

    Figure  2.  Principle diagram of in-situ experiment at room temperature using horizontal stretching device of Vulcan

    图  3  锂电池原位中子衍射测量的原理图

    Figure  3.  Principle diagram of in-situ neutron diffraction measurement for lithium batteries

    图  4  实验的设定及样品装夹于加载装置并放置于谱仪平台[26]

    Figure  4.  Experimental setup and sample clamping in the loading device and placed on the spectrometer platform[26]

    图  5  欧拉环加载原位中子衍射测量的原理图

    Figure  5.  Schematic diagram of in-situ neutron diffraction measurement for loading with O-ring

    图  6  磁场耦合拉伸实验测量的原理示意图

    Figure  6.  Schematic diagram of the principle of magnetic field coupling stretching experiment measurement

    图  7  SMARTS的低温耦合拉伸装置原位中子衍射测量的原理图

    Figure  7.  Schematic diagram of in-situ neutron diffraction measurement using low-temperature coupled stretching device of SMARTS

    图  8  小角谱仪低温耦合拉伸装置原位中子衍射测量的原理图

    Figure  8.  Principle diagram of in-situ neutron diffraction measurement using low-temperature coupled stretching device of SANS

    图  9  Vulcan高温耦合拉伸装置原位中子衍射测量的原理图

    Figure  9.  Principle diagram of in-situ neutron diffraction measurement using high-temperature coupled stretching device of Vulcan

    图  10  磁场耦合原位拉伸装置及其实验原理图

    Figure  10.  Diagram of magnetic field coupling in-situ stretching device and its experimental analysis

    表  1  不同加热方式的优缺点

    Table  1.   Advantages and disadvantages of different heating methods

    heating method advantage disadvantage
    heating element you can choose different models based on
    different temperature ranges
    low heating efficiency
    induction coil
    the heating efficiency is over 80%, and it can be heated to extremely high temperatures with minimal impact on the surrounding temperature there is a temperature gradient change around it
    DC heating DC current has a fast heating speed and can heat up to extremely high temperatures, with little impact on the surrounding temperature poor heating effect on samples with good conductivity
    halogen lamp the heating speed is fast and can reach extremely high temperatures, with little impact on the surrounding temperature halogen lamps need to be placed around the sample, which
    may require gas protection such as vacuum
    laser the heating speed is fast and can reach extremely high temperatures, with little impact on the surrounding temperature point light source heating with temperature gradient
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    表  2  部分拉伸装置的对比表

    Table  2.   Comparison of partial stretching devices

    American Spallation Neutron Source (SNS)Vulcanhorizontal uniaxial biaxial stretching 1100 kNnormal atmospheric temperaturestretching or compressing
    horizontal uniaxial biaxial stretching 2100 kN
    400 N·m
    electrochemistrytension compression, fatigue, creep, and torsion
    Spallation Neutron Source, UK (ISIS)Engin-Xvertical uniaxial uniaxial tension50 kNnormal atmospheric temperaturetension, compression, fatigue
    Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA(LANSCE)SMARTSuniaxial biaxial stretching250 kNlow temperaturepull and press
    Japan High Current Proton Accelerator Facility
    TAKUMIhorizontal uniaxial
    uniaxial tension
    50 kNlow temperature, high temperaturepull and press
    China Academy of Engineering Physics Mianyang Research Reactor (CMRR)RSNDhorizontal uniaxial
    uniaxial tension
    2.5 kNlow temperaturepull and press
    China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS)CSNSvertical or horizontal50 kNhigh temperature, low temperature, magnetic fieldtension, compression, fatigue
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