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安力 肖军 王新华 谢雷 蒋励 杨杰成 郭海萍 韩子杰

安力, 肖军, 王新华, 等. 锂玻璃探测器6Li原子数标定[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2024, 36: 126001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240320
引用本文: 安力, 肖军, 王新华, 等. 锂玻璃探测器6Li原子数标定[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2024, 36: 126001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240320
An Li, Xiao Jun, Wang Xinhua, et al. Calibration of 6Li atomic number of lithium glass detector[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2024, 36: 126001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240320
Citation: An Li, Xiao Jun, Wang Xinhua, et al. Calibration of 6Li atomic number of lithium glass detector[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2024, 36: 126001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240320


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240320

    安 力,anli1973@163.com


    肖 军,412459251@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: O571.5

Calibration of 6Li atomic number of lithium glass detector

  • 摘要: 在聚变包层中子学性能的实验检验中,造氚率是重要的测量参数之一,探测器中6Li原子数目作为计算造氚率的归一化因子,是决定测量结果精度的关键因素,必须进行精确标定。对6Li原子数标定原理、实验配置及过程、不确定度量化方法进行具体介绍,并首次在中国绵阳研究堆(CMRR)的M5水平孔道以锗单晶单色器获得32.36 meV中子对小型锂玻璃探测器中6Li原子数进行了标定,不确定度为2.62%。
  • 图  1  6Li原子数标定流程图

    Figure  1.  Flow chart for calibrating the number of 6Li

    图  2  6Li原子数标定实验测量布局图

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of the measurement layout for calibrating the number of 6Li

    图  3  中子平均通量随时间变化图

    Figure  3.  Variation of average neutron flux with time

    图  4  探测器结构示意图

    Figure  4.  Schematic diagram of the detector structure

    图  5  锂玻璃闪烁探测器

    Figure  5.  Lithium glass scintillation detector

    图  6  测量系统电子学框图

    Figure  6.  Electronic block diagram of measurement system

    图  7  反应堆M5孔道32.36 meV 中子辐照下的脉冲高度谱

    Figure  7.  Pulse height spectra for the 6Li and 7Li glasses under 32.36 meV neutron irradiation in the M5 channel of the reactor

    图  8  源中子谱及对应的6Li (n,α) T反应截面

    Figure  8.  Source neutron spectrum and corresponding 6Li (n,α) T reaction cross section

    表  1  不同散射体对实验的影响

    Table  1.   Influence of different scatterers on the experiment

    No. scatterer 6Li (n,α) T reaction rate 197Au(n,γ) 198Au reaction rate
    1 without scatter 5.36×10−23 9.85×10−24
    2 cadmium sleeve 5.36×10−23 9.85×10−24
    3 cadmium sleeve\sample holder 5.36×10−23 9.85×10−24
    4 cadmium sleeve\sample holder\air 4.99×10−23 9.50×10−24
    5 cadmium sleeve\sample holder\air\neutron absorbing cavity 4.99×10−23 9.50×10−24
    6 cadmium sleeve\sample holder\air\neutron absorbing cavity\3D adjustable platform base 4.99×10−23 9.50×10−24
    7 ratio between reaction rates without and with scatterers 93.10% 93.12%
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    表  2  不确定度列表

    Table  2.   List of uncertainty items

    No. item of uncertainty coefficient relative uncertainty/%
    1 tritium production reaction rate nt 1.18 0.41
    2 the activation reaction rate n 1.18 1.68
    3 counting rate of the beam monitor Nm1 1.18 1.00
    4 counting rate of the beam monitor Nm2 1.18 0.02
    5 microscopic cross-section of 197Au(n,γ) 198Au σ 1.18 0.14
    6 microscopic cross-section of 6Li(n, T)4He σT 1.00 0.51
    7 number of Au atom N197 1.18 0.24
    8 detector cross-sectional area S 0.18 1.00
    9 neutron beam profile density uniformity k 1.18 0.80
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