Simulation of dynamic electromagnetic characteristics of electromagnetic railgun based on COMSOL moving mesh
摘要: 精确、快速求解电磁轨道炮电磁特性,对于电磁轨道炮动态特性研究和可靠性设计具有重要意义。基于COMSOL动网格功能,提出一种新的网格划分形式—滑移网格+动网格划分。对电枢区域及枢轨接触的轨道部分进行滑移网格划分,对于其余轨道部分进行动网格划分。这种划分方式不但能解决“静网格”计算准确性低(粗网格)与计算复杂度高(细网格)的问题,也能准确求解瞬态以及快速移动的模型的动态电磁特性。采用脉冲激励电流对所建立的电磁轨道炮模型进行仿真分析。比较了三种静网格与本文提出的网格划分方式的计算时间、计算单元个数。并对不同网格划分方式对于电枢运动速度、电枢中心位置处电流密度分布的仿真结果进行比较,数值计算结果证明了所提出的网格划分方式的有效性与高效性。Abstract: Accurate and fast solution of the electromagnetic characteristics problems is of great significance for the study of dynamic characteristics and reliability design of electromagnetic railguns. Based on the COMSOL moving mesh function, a new form of meshing—slip mesh combined with moving mesh—is proposed. The armature area and the track part where the pivot rail is in contact are meshed in to slip mesh, and the rest of the track part is dynamically meshed. This division method can not only solve the problems of low computational accuracy (coarse mesh) and high computational complexity (fine mesh) of “static mesh”, but also accurately solve the dynamic electromagnetic characteristics problems of transient and fast-moving models. The pulsed excitation current was used to simulate and analyze the established electromagnetic railgun model. The computing time and number of computational units of the three static meshes are compared with the meshing method proposed in this paper. The simulation results of different meshing methods on the armature motion velocity and the current density distribution at the armature center position are compared, and it is proved that the proposed meshing method is effective and efficient.
表 1 电磁轨道炮模型参数
Table 1. Model parameters of electromagnetic railgun
thickness/mmcenter to center
conductivity/(S·m−1)900 40 20 50 $ 5.998 \times {10^7} $ 50 30 $ 3.774 \times {10^7} $ 表 2 电枢模型参数取值
Table 2. Parameter values of armature model
average height of the rough
surface $ {\sigma _{{\mathrm{asp}}}} $/μmaverage slope of the
rough surface $ {m_{{\mathrm{asp}}}} $/μmmicrohardness of
solids $ {H_{\mathrm{c}}} $/Pacoefficient of
friction $ \;{ \mu _{\mathrm{f}}} $viscous coefficient
of friction $ {C_{\mathrm{f}}} $rectangular pulse
current intensity $ {I_0} $/MA1 0.4 $3 \times {10^9}$ 0.11 0.03 0.7 表 3 三种不同静网格划分方式所划分的网格信息
Table 3. Mesh information divided by three different static meshing methods
informationdomain units
numberboundary elements
numberedge elements
numbermaximum mesh
size/mmminimum mesh
size/mmmesh① 57500 17172 1973 90 16.2 mesh② 935392 79766 4279 18 0.18 mesh③ 326996 55474 5206 90 0.18 mesh④ 372512 53554 4254 90 0.18 表 4 不同网格划分方式与激励电流作用下计算时间
Table 4. Calculation time under different grid partitioning methods and excitation currents
calculation time/s rectangular pulse current Gaussian pulse current mesh① 2491 3907 mesh② 59277 78209 mesh③ 8602 12611 mesh④ 11113 15507 -
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