ouyang hua-fu, qiao ji-min, fu shi-nian, et al. Physical design study on the input coupling loop of radio frequency quadrupole with intense beams[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2004, 16.
ouyang hua-fu, qiao ji-min, fu shi-nian, et al. Physical design study on the input coupling loop of radio frequency quadrupole with intense beams[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2004, 16.
ouyang hua-fu, qiao ji-min, fu shi-nian, et al. Physical design study on the input coupling loop of radio frequency quadrupole with intense beams[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2004, 16.
ouyang hua-fu, qiao ji-min, fu shi-nian, et al. Physical design study on the input coupling loop of radio frequency quadrupole with intense beams[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2004, 16.
A detailed discussion is carried out on some basic problems related with the coupling loop of radio frequency quadrupole with intense beams. A preliminary design of the coupling loop is given. By making use of some results got from the simulations on radio frequency quadrupole with two-dimension code Superfish, the size of the coupling loop and power dissipation on the loop are calculated. These results are helpful in determining the size of the coupling loop in experiments.