Error analysis of microwave power measurement instruments
摘要: 在微波测量领域,功率计、示波器、检波器和矢量网络分析仪都是常用测量器件,其使用过程中引入的误差对实验结果的准确性有直接的影响。在描述了功率计、示波器、检波器和矢量网络分析仪在微波功率测量领域的使用方法的基础上,分析对比了一些典型型号的测量器件在不同测量条件下引入的测量误差。实验结果表明:检波器测得的功率比示波器测得的功率最大大0.4 dB。示波器的不同带宽抑制对功率测量最大相差0.3 dB。N9917矢量网络分析仪比AV3672矢量网络分析仪在频率4 GHz,衰减器衰减幅值为60 dB时测得的功率大1 dB。Abstract: Power meters, oscilloscopes, detectors, and vector network analyzers are commonly used in microwave measurements. The introduced errors by these instruments have direct impact on the measurement accuracy. In this paper, the measurement methods of power meters, oscilloscopes, detectors, and network analyzers are described, based on which the introduced errors by the typical measurement instruments under different measurement conditions are analyzed. The experiment results demonstrate that the measured power by the detectors is at most 0.4 dB bigger than that by the oscilloscope. The maximum difference of the measured power by the oscilloscope under different suppression bandwidths is 0.3 dB. The measured power by the vector network analyzer N9917A is 1 dB bigger than that by the analyzer AV3672 at 4 GHz with the attenuation of 60 dB.
Key words:
- microwave measurement /
- power meter /
- oscilloscope /
- detector /
- vector network analyzer /
- error
表 1 N9917和AV3672在不同频率下对比实验结果
Table 1. Experimental results of vector network analyzers N9917 and AV3672 at different frequencies
analyzer S12/dB attenuator 20 dB attenuator 40 dB attenuator 60 dB f=1.5 GHz f=4 GHz f=1.5 GHz f= 4 GHz f=1.5 GHz f=4 GHz N9917 19.76 20 39.6 40.1 59.06~60.17 59.33~61.22 AV3672C 19.69 19.88 39.55 39.85 58.61~59.44 58.92~60.02 -
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