Triggering and anti-interfering technology of diagnostic systems used in Z-pinch experiments
摘要: 通过对时间关联信号的筛选、转换和延时等方法建立了用于8 MA脉冲功率装置上Z箍缩实验中诊断设备的触发网络,其输出触发信号与被测X射线之间的时间抖动小于2 ns,满足了纳秒级的诊断时间同步要求。采用屏蔽、接地等有效措施基本消除了放电产生的强电磁环境以及其它杂散信号对触发线缆和诊断设备的干扰,保证了诊断设备的正常工作和实验数据的质量。Abstract: The pulse power device will produce a strong electromagnetic environment in the process of discharge, which interferes with diagnostic systems in the experiment, leading to their failure to work properly. By selecting, transforming and delaying the time correlated signals, a trigger network has been established for diagnostic instruments in high energy density experiments on an 8 MA pulsed power device. The jitter of time interval between the trigger signal and the X-ray pulse is less than 2 ns, which meets the requirement to synchronize diagnostics with time resolution of nanosecond. Shielding and grounding techniques are used and effectively eliminate the jamming of strong electromagnetic environment and other stray signals produced by the discharge of the device, which also ensure the normal operation of diagnostic instruments and the quality of the experimental data.
表 1 Z箍缩实验参试诊断系统
Table 1. Diagnostic systems used in Z-pinch experiments
diagnostic systems application laser probe system laser shadowgraph of imploding plasmas and density of coronal plasma or precursor gated X-ray pinhole camera X-ray framing image large format time-resolved pinhole camera high-resolution X-ray framing image X-ray streak camera X-ray streak image optical streak camera radial optical streak image multi-spectral or monochromatic X-ray time-integrated camera high-resolution time-integrated images of various spectrum flat spectral response XRD detector soft X-ray power and energy bolometer soft X-ray energy scintillator detector soft X-ray power and energy filtered XRD array soft X-ray power and energy time-integrated crystal spectrometer time-integrated X-ray line spectrum time-resolved crystal spectrometer time-resolved X-ray line spectrum transmission grating spectrometer time-integrated continuous spectrum axial gated X-ray pinhole camera axial X-ray framing image axial XRD array axial soft X-ray power and energy axial crystal spectrometer axial time-integrated X-ray spectrum thermo luminescent dosimeter radiation dose of gamma ray filtered Si-PIN array radiation dose rate of gamma ray -
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