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张奇玮 贺国珠 栾广源 程品晶 阮锡超 朱兴华

张奇玮, 贺国珠, 栾广源, 等. 基于HI-13串列加速器的中子俘获反应截面测量方法[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2021, 33: 046001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.200220
引用本文: 张奇玮, 贺国珠, 栾广源, 等. 基于HI-13串列加速器的中子俘获反应截面测量方法[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2021, 33: 046001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.200220
Zhang Qiwei, He Guozhu, Luan Guangyuan, et al. Cross section measurement of neutron capture reaction based on HI-13 tandem accelerator[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2021, 33: 046001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.200220
Citation: Zhang Qiwei, He Guozhu, Luan Guangyuan, et al. Cross section measurement of neutron capture reaction based on HI-13 tandem accelerator[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2021, 33: 046001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.200220


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.200220
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(11605294,11675268,11790321,11975317)


  • 中图分类号: O571.5

Cross section measurement of neutron capture reaction based on HI-13 tandem accelerator

  • 摘要: 利用BaF2晶体对γ射线探测效率高、时间分辨率好的特点,研制了国内首套由40个BaF2探测器单元组成的γ全吸收型探测装置,用于在线测量中子俘获反应截面。在HI-13串列加速器上建立250~850 keV的中子源,其0°角的源强约为5.09×106 n/(Sr·s),使用γ全吸收型探测装置,通过瞬发γ射线法测量了93Nb、197Au、natC和空样品的实验数据。根据BaF2探测器信号的特征,采用了基线补偿、软件阈值设置、时间窗限定、脉冲幅度积分增长率设置和快慢成分比设置等多种数字化波形分析方法,剔除噪声信号以提高效应本底比。以197Au样品数据为标准,natC样品数据为样品相关性本底,空样品数据为样品无关性本底,采用相对测量法得到了93Nb的中子俘获反应截面实验数据。通过与ENDF评价库数据的比较,验证了测量装置和技术方法的可行性。
  • 图  1  GTAF的五棱与六棱BaF2晶体形状

    Figure  1.  Shape of the pentagonal and hexagonal BaF2 crystal for GTAF

    图  2  GTAF测量中子俘获反应截面实验原理图

    Figure  2.  Experimental diagram of measurement of neutron capture cross section based on GTAF

    图  3  中子源的飞行时间与脉冲幅度积分值的二维谱

    Figure  3.  Time of flight versus integral of pulse height spectrum from neutron source

    图  4  中子源能谱比较

    Figure  4.  Comparison of energy spectrum of neutron source

    图  5  数据获取系统采集到的数字化信号波形

    Figure  5.  Digital waveforms of signals from DAQ

    图  6  能量与脉冲幅度积分增长率的二维谱

    Figure  6.  Energy versus rate of increase of pulse height integral spectrum

    图  7  能量与快成分/总成分的二维谱

    Figure  7.  Energy versus ratio of fast to total component spectrum

    图  8  BaF2探测器单元能谱的原始数据与处理结果的比较

    Figure  8.  Comparison with original energy spectrum and analytic results of BaF2 detector module

    图  9  γ多重性的原始数据与处理结果的比较

    Figure  9.  Comparison with original data and analytic results of γ multiplicity

    图  10  加和能谱的原始数据与数据处理结果的比较

    Figure  10.  Comparison with original data and analytic results of sum energy spectrum

    图  11  中子俘获反应的加和能谱

    Figure  11.  Sum energy spectrum of neutron capture reaction

    图  12  中子俘获反应飞行时间效应谱

    Figure  12.  Effect time of flight (TOF) spectrum of neutron capture reaction

    图  13  93Nb中子俘获反应截面测量结果

    Figure  13.  Measurement results of 93Nb neutron capture reaction cross section

    表  1  在线实验样品参数

    Table  1.   Sample parameter of on-line experiment

    sampledensity/(g·cm−3diameter/mmthickness/mmpurity/%measure time/min
    93Nb 8.57 20 1 99.99 573
    197Au 19.32 20 1 99.99 664
    natC 2.3 20 1.5 99.99 626
    blank 288
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    表  2  在线实验测量结果

    Table  2.   Measurement results of on line experiment

    energy bin/MeVcross section/mbenergy resolution/%uncertainty/%
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    表  3  不确定度分析

    Table  3.   Analysis of uncertainties

    source of
    statistical uncertainty
    of 93Nb
    statistical uncertainty
    of 197Au
    statistical uncertainty
    of natC
    statistical uncertainty
    of blank
    normalization of
    beam integral
    source of uncertaintiesdetection efficiencyother backgroundsneutron energystandard cross section of 197Autotal
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