Design of High Energy Photon Source Booster beam size monitor
摘要: 高能同步辐射光源的增强器将直线加速器注入的束流加速到储存环所需的能量,为储存环提供高品质的电子束。为了对增强器的束流横向截面尺寸、发射度及能散进行测量,设计了两条可见光-紫外波段的束测光束线。两条光束线分别选取无色散和色散较大的两处弯铁位置作为光源点,使用两套同步光成像系统来监测光源点的束流截面尺寸,并计算束流发射度及能散。介绍了同步光引出真空室及光学成像系统,对影响成像质量的空间分辨率进行了分析,并针对升能过程中不同能量下束流光斑变化的测量进行了设计。Abstract: High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) Booster is designed to ramp up the energy of the beam from linac and inject high quality electron beam to the storage ring. To measure the transverse beam size, emittance and energy spread of HEPS Booster, we designed two beam diagnostic beamlines at visible-UV spectrum region. The source points are at two bending magnets with different chromatic dispersion, one has no dispersion while the other has large dispersion. By measuring the transverse beam sizes with synchrotron imaging system, beam emittance and energy spread can also be calculated. This paper introduces the extraction of visible-UV light, and the optical imaging system, the spatial resolution. It also introduces the design of beam spot changes measurement during beam ramping process.
Key words:
- HEPS Booster /
- beam size monitor /
- beam diagnostic /
- emittance /
- energy spread /
- synchrotron radiation
表 1 BS1B01与BS1B06光源点Twiss参数
Table 1. Twiss parameters of BS1B01 and BS1B06 source points
βx(m) βy(m) ηx(m) ηy(m) BS1B01_SP 9.9488 5.8821 0.0012 0 BS1B06_ SP 5.4159 5.5444 0.1973 0 -
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