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孟雪松 李光荣 赵振国 燕朝叙 张玲玉

孟雪松, 李光荣, 赵振国, 等. 用于腔体内电磁脉冲模拟的三维并行全电磁粒子方法[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2021, 33: 123014. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.210351
引用本文: 孟雪松, 李光荣, 赵振国, 等. 用于腔体内电磁脉冲模拟的三维并行全电磁粒子方法[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2021, 33: 123014. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.210351
Meng Xuesong, Li Guangrong, Zhao Zhenguo, et al. 3D parallel full electromagnetic particle-in-cell method for simulating responses of cavity internal electromagnetic pulse[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2021, 33: 123014. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.210351
Citation: Meng Xuesong, Li Guangrong, Zhao Zhenguo, et al. 3D parallel full electromagnetic particle-in-cell method for simulating responses of cavity internal electromagnetic pulse[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2021, 33: 123014. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.210351


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.210351
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(62001037)


  • 中图分类号: O434.14; TN972.2

3D parallel full electromagnetic particle-in-cell method for simulating responses of cavity internal electromagnetic pulse

  • 摘要: X射线辐照飞行器等腔体在其内部产生的腔体内电磁脉冲,会干扰其内部电子系统的正常工作,进而影响飞行器的运行和生存。介绍一种三维并行全电磁粒子方法,用于模拟X射线辐照腔体在其内部产生的瞬态电磁脉冲响应。在这一数值方法中,时域有限差分方法和Particle-in-Cell方法用来求解瞬态电磁场的产生和带电粒子运动之间的耦合关系,有效电流分配方法用来计算瞬态电磁场产生的源项。该方法基于JASMIN并行框架实现,可模拟含数亿网格和数亿粒子的三维腔体结构的内电磁脉冲响应,且具备大规模并行的优势。用这一方法来模拟圆柱腔体在X射线辐照下的腔体内电磁脉冲响应,其计算结果与文献结果吻合较好,验证了算法的有效性和正确性。
  • 图  1  X射线、γ射线辐照圆柱腔体形成腔体IEMP

    Figure  1.  Cavity IEMP generated by irradiation of X or γ rays on cylinders

    图  2  腔体内电磁脉冲响应的自洽过程

    Figure  2.  Cavity IEMP responses are described by a self-consistent process

    图  3  三维全电磁粒子方法的求解流程

    Figure  3.  3D full electromagnetic PIC method

    图  4  带电粒子在FDTD网格中的位置

    Figure  4.  Particle inside an FDTD cell

    图  5  JASMIN中一个网格层被划分为4个网格片

    Figure  5.  A grid layer is composed of four patches in JASMIN

    图  6  JASMIN框架中的中心量和粒子量的存储

    Figure  6.  Cell data and particle data in JASMIN

    图  7  用于腔体IEMP响应模拟的三维并行全电磁粒子算法程序(SGEMP-NSS)的架构图

    Figure  7.  Architecture of 3D parallel full electromagnetic PIC codes (SGEMP-NSS) for simulating cavity IEMP responses

    图  8  圆柱腔内(0.16 m,0,−0.16 m) 位置的电场分量$ E_{\textit{z}} $

    Figure  8.  The electric field component $ E_{\textit{z}} $ at the point (0.16 m, 0, −0.16 m) inside a cylinder

    图  9  圆柱轴线上距离发射面不同位置处的电场分量$ {E}_{{\textit{z}} } $

    Figure  9.  Electric field component $ {E}_{{\textit{z}} } $ at different points in the axial line of a cylinder

    图  10  圆柱内部距离发射面不同位置处电场分量$ {E}_{{\textit{z}} } $的第一峰值

    Figure  10.  First peak values of the electric field component $ {E}_{{\textit{z}} } $ inside a cylinder

    图  11  2 ns时腔体内的电场幅值和电子速度示意图

    Figure  11.  Sketch of the electric field amplitude and the electron velocity inside a cylinder at 2 ns

    表  1  圆柱腔体的共振频率

    Table  1.   Resonant frequencies of a 50 cm long cylinder with a diameterof 50 cm

    resonant modetheoretical frequency/MHzcalculated frequency/MHzrelative difference/%
    TM010 459 460.6 0.35
    TM011 549 549.7 0.13
    TM012 755 756.6 0.21
    TM020 1054 1057 0.28
    TM021 1096 1099 0.27
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  • 收稿日期:  2021-08-13
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