3D parallel full electromagnetic particle-in-cell method for simulating responses of cavity internal electromagnetic pulse
摘要: X射线辐照飞行器等腔体在其内部产生的腔体内电磁脉冲,会干扰其内部电子系统的正常工作,进而影响飞行器的运行和生存。介绍一种三维并行全电磁粒子方法,用于模拟X射线辐照腔体在其内部产生的瞬态电磁脉冲响应。在这一数值方法中,时域有限差分方法和Particle-in-Cell方法用来求解瞬态电磁场的产生和带电粒子运动之间的耦合关系,有效电流分配方法用来计算瞬态电磁场产生的源项。该方法基于JASMIN并行框架实现,可模拟含数亿网格和数亿粒子的三维腔体结构的内电磁脉冲响应,且具备大规模并行的优势。用这一方法来模拟圆柱腔体在X射线辐照下的腔体内电磁脉冲响应,其计算结果与文献结果吻合较好,验证了算法的有效性和正确性。
- 系统电磁脉冲 /
- 腔体内电磁脉冲 /
- 三维并行全电磁粒子方法 /
- Particle-in-Cell方法
Abstract: Cavity internal electromagnetic pulse (IEMP) is generated by the irradiation of X-rays on cavities, such as spacecrafts. It would disturb the normal operation of electrical systems inside spacecrafts and further affect their survival. In this paper, we present a 3D parallel full electromagnetic particle-in-cell (PIC) method for simulating cavity IEMP responses. In the proposed method, the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method and the PIC method are used to solve the coupling between the formation of transient electromagnetic fields and the movement of particles; the effective current distribution method is adopted to compute the source of electromagnetic fields, which is the current density. The proposed method is coded based on JASMIN, so it supports massively parallel computing and could be used to simulate cavity IEMP responses with hundreds of millions mesh cells and hundreds of millions particles. In the end, the proposed method is applied to compute the IEMP responses of a cylinder irradiated by pulsed X-rays. The results agree well with those from literature, verifying the accuracy of the proposed method. -
表 1 圆柱腔体的共振频率
Table 1. Resonant frequencies of a 50 cm long cylinder with a diameterof 50 cm
resonant mode theoretical frequency/MHz calculated frequency/MHz relative difference/% TM010 459 460.6 0.35 TM011 549 549.7 0.13 TM012 755 756.6 0.21 TM020 1054 1057 0.28 TM021 1096 1099 0.27 -
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