Design of high voltage pulse generator based on resonant circuit and pulse transformer
摘要: 提出一种基于谐振电路与脉冲变压器结合的高压脉冲实现方案,该方案利用电容与电感的谐振效应,结合脉冲变压器的升压作用,在仅使用一个半导体开关的条件下,实现高压脉冲的输出,其结构简单,成本低,并且可实现零电压关断。并对于电路的运行模式进行了理论分析,搭建了原理样机进行实验。容性负载条件下,实现频率1~ 15 kHz、幅值0~ 10 kV可调的高压脉冲输出,对比分析了续流支路以及续流电阻对于输出高压脉冲波形的影响。利用该脉冲电源进行DBD放电实验,成功驱动介质阻挡放电反应器,验证了该方案的可行性。Abstract: Low temperature plasma excited by dielectric barrier discharges (DBDs) is widely used in medical health, air purification and other fields, and DBDs are commonly driven by high voltage pulse generators. In this paper, a high voltage pulse generator based on the combination of resonant circuit and pulsed transformer is proposed. The circuit uses the resonant effect of capacitor and inductor, combined with boost effect of pulsed transformer, and only one semiconductor switch to output high voltage pulses. The structure is simple, the cost is low, and zero voltage switching (ZVS) can be realized. In this paper, the operation mode of the circuit is analyzed theoretically, and the prototype is built for experiment. Under the condition of capacitive load, high voltage pulses with adjustable frequency of 1−15 kHz and amplitude of 0−10 kV are generated , and the influence of freewheeling branch and freewheeling resistance on the output high-voltage pulse waveform is analyzed. The DBD discharge experiment was carried out by using the pulse generator, and the DBD reactor was successfully driven, which further verified the feasibility of the circuit.
Key words:
- resonant circuit /
- pulse generator /
- pulsed transformer /
- dielectric barrier discharge
表 1 实验参数
Table 1. Experimental parameters
Vdc/V Lr /µH Cr/nF Lleakage/ µH Lm/mH Rp/ Ω transformer turn ratio Cout/pF 70 36 110 12 2.8 8 12∶800 10 -
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