Simulation and experiment study on a horizontally polarized bounded-wave electromagnetic pulse simulator
摘要: 结合传统有界波模拟器和辐射波模拟器的特点,采用新型双锥-线栅型平板天线结构,设计了一台水平极化有界波电磁脉冲模拟器。通过电磁仿真和实验测试,对模拟器的辐射特性和场均匀性进行了研究。仿真结果和实测结果基本一致。结果表明,模拟器能产生包含地面反射的水平极化电磁脉冲环境,波形满足上升沿(2.5±0.5) ns、半高宽(23±5) ns的高空电磁脉冲标准要求。模拟器使用灵活机动,能在不小于5 m×3 m×2 m工作空间内产生峰值场强不小于50 kV/m的6 dB均匀场,也能在降低测试场强时提供更大的工作空间。Abstract: EMP simulators are used to test and harden electronic systems in an intense electromagnetic pulse. A horizontally polarized bounded-wave EMP simulator is designed based on a bicone-plate antenna structure, which combines the strengths of traditional bounded-wave simulators and radiating-wave simulators. Simulation and experiments are conducted to study the characteristics and the distribution of the radiation field. The results show that the simulator can generate horizontally polarized electromagnetic pulse and the waveform is double-exponential with a rise time of (2.5±0.5) ns and a pulse width of (23±5) ns. The simulator has a working volume of 5 m×3 m×2 m in which the electric field is no less than 50 kV/m within a 6 dB tolerance. Moreover, the simulator is flexible to increase the working volume while decreasing the field intensity.
表 1 5 m×3 m×2 m工作空间内不同测点的峰值场强
Table 1. Peak E-field in the working volume of 5 m×3 m×2 m
point location / m peak E-field/(kV·m−1) experiment simulation A (0, 0, 3) 94.8 100.4 B (2.5, 0, 3) 70.5 71.9 C (2.5, 1.5, 3) 65 65.7 D (0, 1.5, 3) 89.9 92 A′ (0, 0, 1) 64.2 63.8 B′ (2.5, 0, 1) 55.8 52.3 C′ (2.5, 1.5, 1) 51.8 50.6 D′ (0, 1.5, 1) 54.1 61.3 表 2 6 m×5m×2 m工作空间内不同测点的峰值场强
Table 2. Peak E-field in the working volume of 6 m×5 m×2 m
point location / m peak E-field/(kV·m−1) experiment simulation A (0, 0, 3.5) 74.3 79.1 B (3, 0, 3.5) 62.5 67.1 C (3, 2.5, 3.5) 55.9 60.4 D (0, 2.5, 3.5) 63.5 68.9 A′ (0, 0, 1.5) 55.1 54.2 B′ (3, 0, 1.5) 48.9 49.5 C′ (3, 2.5, 1.5) 42.9 46.4 D′ (0, 2.5, 1.5) 45.1 50.4 -
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