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黄瑞贤 奚传易 韩立琦 余金清 余同普 颜学庆

黄瑞贤, 奚传易, 韩立琦, 等. 飞秒激光Betatron辐射源的现状与发展趋势分析[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 012009. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220229
引用本文: 黄瑞贤, 奚传易, 韩立琦, 等. 飞秒激光Betatron辐射源的现状与发展趋势分析[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 012009. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220229
Huang Ruixian, Xi Chuanyi, Han Liqi, et al. Current situation and development trend analysis of femtosecond laser Betatron radiation source[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 012009. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220229
Citation: Huang Ruixian, Xi Chuanyi, Han Liqi, et al. Current situation and development trend analysis of femtosecond laser Betatron radiation source[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 012009. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220229


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220229
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(11921006; 11535001; 12175058)


  • 中图分类号: O434.12

Current situation and development trend analysis of femtosecond laser Betatron radiation source

  • 摘要: 在过去的几十年里,超短超强激光在等离子体中激发尾场加速电子束取得了长足的发展,基于该方式获得的高能电子束可以应用于辐射源的产生,其产生的高亮度强辐射源受到了广泛的关注。介绍了超短超强激光脉冲与低密度等离子体相互作用产生Betatron辐射的基本原理和研究现状;结合X-ray应用需求分析了Betatron辐射的发展趋势,发现迫切需要发展基于紧凑型激光装置的尾场电子加速新方案,以突破Beam-loading效应对电量的限制,产生大电量电子束,进而获得高流强的Betatron辐射源;介绍了北京大学颜学庆教授领导的联合团队利用数百TW飞秒激光产生10 nC级大电量高能电子束和单发光子数目为$ 1.0\times {10}^{12} $的Betatron辐射源的新方案。
  • 图  1  Betatron辐射源原理图[7]

    Figure  1.  Schematic of the Betatron radiation source[7]

    图  2  a0=20,ne=0.1nc时,不同时刻激光与等离子体相互作用过程中等离子体空泡的形成、电子束的注入、电子束与激光共振、空泡不稳定性发展等过程

    Figure  2.  When a0=20,ne=0.1nc, the formation of plasma bubble, injection of electron beam, resonance of electron beam and laser, development of bubble instability and other processes during the interaction between laser and plasma at different moments

    图  3  a0=20,ne=0.1nc时,(a)电子束在500 fs时刻的角-谱分布,(b)产生的Betatron辐射在1.2 ps时刻的角-谱分布,其发散角的半高全宽约6°

    Figure  3.  When a0=20, ne=0.1nc, (a) angular distribution of electrons at t = 500 fs, (b) the angular distribution of total photons at t = 1.2 ps, and full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) about 6°

    表  1  相关Betatron辐射源实验结果统计

    Table  1.   Statistics of related Betatron radiation source experiments

    authorbrilliancephoton number per shotEc/keV
    A. Rousse[37], 20042×1022 ph·s−1·mm−2·mrad−2·(0.1%bw)−11×1082
    S. Kneip[38], 20081×1017 ph·s−1·mm−2·mrad−2·(0.1%bw)−1N/A36
    S. Mangles[39], 2009N/A3×1075
    D. Thorn[40], 2010N/A1×1081.5
    G. Genoud[41], 20115 × 104 ph·mrad−21×1081.3
    S. Cipiccia[22], 20111×1023 ph·s−1·mm−2·mrad−2·(0.1%bw)−15×10850
    S. Fourmaux[42], 20112.2×108 ph·(0.1%bw)−1·sr−11×10912.3
    J. Ju[43], 20121×1021 ph·(0.1%bw)−1·sr−11×1094.6
    M. Schnell[19], 20125×1021 ph·(0.1%bw)−1·sr−12×1066
    X. Wang[44], 2013N/A1×10930
    L. Chen[27], 20135×1021 ph·(0.1%bw)−1·sr−12×1082.4
    M. Schnell[45], 2013N/A5×1073
    Y. Ho[46], 2013N/A2.2×1083.3
    J. Wenz[47], 20152×1022 ph·(0.1%bw)−1·sr−15×1075.2
    J. M. Cole[48], 20151.1×1021 ph·(0.1%bw)−1·sr−11.3×10933
    K. Huang[49], 2016N/A8×10875
    A. Dopp[50], 20181.6×109 ph·msr−1·s−11×108N/A
    J. Feng[36], 20191.8 ×1020 ph·msr−1·s−17 × 107N/A
    Y. F. Li[29], 2020N/A1013 ph·sr−1N/A
    X. F. Shen[31], 20213.3×1020 ph·msr−1·s−17×10115
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