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李晓庆 季小玲

李晓庆, 季小玲. 大气湍流和热晕效应对列阵合成激光传输特性和光束质量影响的理论研究进展[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 041007. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220411
引用本文: 李晓庆, 季小玲. 大气湍流和热晕效应对列阵合成激光传输特性和光束质量影响的理论研究进展[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 041007. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220411
Li Xiaoqing, Ji Xiaoling. Theoretical research progress on the influence of atmospheric turbulence and thermal blooming on characteristics and beam quality of laser array beams propagating in the atmosphere[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 041007. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220411
Citation: Li Xiaoqing, Ji Xiaoling. Theoretical research progress on the influence of atmospheric turbulence and thermal blooming on characteristics and beam quality of laser array beams propagating in the atmosphere[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 041007. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220411


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220411
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(61775152, 61505130, 61475105, 61178070, 60778048)




  • 中图分类号: O437.5

Theoretical research progress on the influence of atmospheric turbulence and thermal blooming on characteristics and beam quality of laser array beams propagating in the atmosphere

  • 摘要: 介绍了大气湍流效应和热晕效应对列阵合成激光传输特性和光束质量影响的理论研究进展。主要介绍了合成激光在大气中传输的解析和数值模拟研究方法,大气湍流效应对列阵合成光束的光强分布、远场发散角、方向性、曲率半径和湍流距离的影响,以及大气热晕效应对列阵合成光束的光强分布、传输效率、重心偏移、热晕时间尺度和焦移的影响。研究结果表明,大气湍流效应和热晕效应对合成激光光束质量的影响与光束合成方式、合成光束参数以及大气参数密切相关。
  • 图  1  大气湍流中部分相干H-G列阵光束的相对光强分布[54]

    Figure  1.  Relative intensity distribution of partially coherent H-G array beams [54]

    图  2  高斯-谢尔模型(GSM)列阵光束的远场发散角随光束数的变化[58]

    Figure  2.  Angular spread of GSM array beams versus the beam number [58]

    图  3  GSM列阵光束的二阶矩束宽随传输距离变化[58]

    Figure  3.  Mean-squared width of GSM array beams versus the propagation distance [58]

    图  4  高斯列阵光束的等效曲率半径随径向填充因子的变化[59]

    Figure  4.  Effective curvature radius of Gaussian array beams versus the radial fill-factor [59]

    图  5  GSM列阵光束的湍流距离随束腰宽度的变化[16]

    Figure  5.  Turbulence distance of GSM array beams versus the waist width [16]

    图  6  不同填充因子下,高斯列阵光束的光强分布[25]

    Figure  6.  For different values of fill factors, intensity distributions of Gaussian array beams[25]

    图  7  H-G列阵光束的光束重心偏移量随时间的变化[26]

    Figure  7.  Centriod position of H-G array beams versus time [26]

    图  8  到达稳态时间随(a)模式数和(b)光束间距的变化[26]

    Figure  8.  Steady-state time versus the mode order (a) and the radial fill factor (b) [26]

    图  9  H-G列阵光束的束宽随传输距离的变化[26]

    Figure  9.  Beam width of H-G array beams versus propagation distance[26]

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