Progress of research on irradiation effects in key materials in ICF facilities
Abstract:The key materials near the target chamber suffer from radiation damage in the laser-driven inertial confinement fusion (ICF) facility, which limits the lifetime of materials and stable operation of ICF facility. This review summarizes the progress of research on irradiation effects of three major types of key materials in or nearest to the target chamber: stainless steel, aluminum alloy, and final optics assembly. The ablation and neutron activation of first-wall materials in the target chamber caused by neutron beam, γ-ray, X-ray and other high-energy particles are introduced and the impact of the target chamber environment on the materials and corresponding protective strategy are analyzed in detail. In addition, various radiation damage phenomena and related damage mechanisms of the final optics assembly near the target chamber under 1ω laser, 3ω laser, and the complex high-energy radiation environment are also elaborated. Hopefully, this review can provide a reference for the construction and development of laser-driven ICF in China.
表 1 不锈钢百叶窗光束吸收器的捕获效率[20]
Table 1. Capture efficiency of stainless steel louver
(J/cm2)total expected iron mass
generation/(μg/cm2)iron mass captured
on FEP/(μg/cm2 )calculated capture
efficiency/%range average range average 5,7,11 40.5 3.6~18.3 9.2 54~91 77 14 19.5 3.7~11.8 7.6 39~81 61 12 19.0 2.2~7.8 5.5 59~88 71 -
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