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冯青屹 祖小涛 刘春明 黎波 孙莉杰 吴钰铃 向霞 袁晓东 邓洪祥 李莉 于景侠 徐世珍 郑万国

冯青屹, 祖小涛, 刘春明, 等. ICF装置靶场关键材料的辐照效应研究进展[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 091001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230007
引用本文: 冯青屹, 祖小涛, 刘春明, 等. ICF装置靶场关键材料的辐照效应研究进展[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 091001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230007
Feng Qingyi, Zu Xiaotao, Liu Chunming, et al. Progress of research on irradiation effects in key materials in ICF facilities[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 091001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230007
Citation: Feng Qingyi, Zu Xiaotao, Liu Chunming, et al. Progress of research on irradiation effects in key materials in ICF facilities[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 091001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230007


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230007
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金委-中国工程物理研究院联合基金重点项目(U1830204);国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 (12105037)





  • 中图分类号: TL632+.1

Progress of research on irradiation effects in key materials in ICF facilities

  • 摘要:


  • 图  1  NIF靶球[7-8]

    Figure  1.  NIF target chamber[7-8]

    图  2  靶室第一壁材料和终端光学组件面临的主要威胁[2]

    Figure  2.  Main threats faced by first wall and FOA of the target chamber[2]

    图  3  Nova X射线对不同材料的烧蚀情况[17-18]

    Figure  3.  X-ray ablation in different materials in Nova[17-18]

    图  4  不同激光能量密度辐照下,铝合金5083烧蚀坑形貌三维图像[19]

    Figure  4.  Three-dimensional images of ablation morphology on Al-5083 irradiated by different laser energy densities[19]

    图  5  相同功率密度下烧蚀形貌对比[19]

    Figure  5.  Comparison of ablation morphology under the same power density[19]

    图  6  不锈钢在不同激光能量密度下的烧蚀坑形貌图[19]

    Figure  6.  Ablation morphology of stainless steel under different laser energy densities[19]

    图  7  不锈钢和铝合金(Al-5083)烧蚀深度(500个脉冲)随激光能量密度的关系[19]

    Figure  7.  Relationship between ablation depth (500 pulses) and laser energy density of stainless steel and Al-5083[19]

    图  8  几种材料的激光烧蚀情况[20]

    Figure  8.  Laser ablation of several materials[20]

    图  9  几种第一壁材料经10 a、1200 MJ/a激光聚变能量辐照后的剂量当量率随时间的变化情况[18]

    Figure  9.  Personnel dose rate of first wall materials inside the target chamber after a 20-MJ ignition shot following 10 a of 1200-MJ/a yields[18]

    图  10  狗腿型不锈钢百叶窗结构[23]

    Figure  10.  Dog-legged stainless steel louver[23]

    图  11  终端光学组件构成[10]

    Figure  11.  Composition of FOA[10]

    图  12  金属离子含量与激光损伤阈值的关系[68]

    Figure  12.  Relationship between metal ion content and laser damage threshold[68]

    图  13  中子和γ辐照对KDP/DKDP 晶体光学吸收的影响[1]

    Figure  13.  Effects of neutron and gamma irradiations on optical absorption of KDP/DKDP crystal optics[1]

    图  14  NIF装置光学元件激光损伤阈值提升历程[98]

    Figure  14.  LIDT improvement of fused silica in NIF[98]

    图  15  熔石英体缺陷和表面缺陷的主要光吸收/PL激发带和发射带[131]

    Figure  15.  Major optical absorption/luminescence excitation bands and emission bands of defect centers in bulk (top) and surface (bottom) of fused silica[131]

    图  16  熔石英样品表面位于452 nm的PL强度和氧硅比例变化[153]

    Figure  16.  PL intensity at 452 nm and O:Si ratio of the silica optic samples as a function of pulse number[153]

    图  17  不同氧硅比例下,熔石英的光学吸收情况[155]

    Figure  17.  Optical absorption of fused silica under different (RO:Si) [155]

    图  18  氧空位缺陷浓度与355 nm吸收峰的变化关系[155]

    Figure  18.  Relationship between neutral oxygen-vacancy (NOV) defect concentration and absorption coefficient at 355 nm[155]

    图  19  光学元件在辐射前后吸收系数的变化情况[52]

    Figure  19.  Absorption coefficients of several SiO2 materials before and after radiation[52]

    图  20  辐射产生损伤的机理[52]

    Figure  20.  Radiation damage mechanism of SiO2 materials[52]

    图  21  中子和γ射线对石英样品的吸收光谱的影响

    Figure  21.  Neutrons and γ radiation-induced absorption spectrum of quartz samples

    图  22  FS1和FQ1熔石英透过率随辐照时间的变化情况[52]

    Figure  22.  Predicted transmittance of NIF final focus lens versus time for FS1 and FQ1 fused silica[52]

    图  23  光学薄膜和衬底产生激光辐照损伤的原理图及相关影响因素

    Figure  23.  Schematic diagram and related influence factors of laser induced damage in optical thin films and substrates

    图  24  不同激光能量密度条件下化学膜的损伤形貌[9]

    Figure  24.  Damage morphology of porous silica under different laser energy densities[9]

    图  25  显微镜观测到的损伤形貌[162]

    Figure  25.  Microscopic observation of damage morphology[162]

    (a) physical film    (b) chemical film    (c) zoom in the image of physical film

    图  26  溶胶凝胶酸性膜和碱性膜损伤形貌[166]

    Figure  26.  Damage morphology of acid and alkaline sol-gel films[166]

    图  27  γ射线辐照对薄膜表面疏水性影响的动态过程

    Figure  27.  Dynamic process of the gamma irradiation effect on the porous silica surface hydrophobicity

    图  28  中子辐照前后不同孔隙率化学膜中的配位数分布和缺陷百分比(Si3+和NBO)[181]

    Figure  28.  Coordination number distribution and defect percentage (Si3+ and NBO) in porous silica at different porosities before and after neutron irradiation[181]

    图  29  中子辐照前后,不同孔隙率下化学膜弹性模量和泊松比变化[181]

    Figure  29.  Elastic modulus of the porous silica before and after neutron irradiation plotted as a function of porosity[181]

    图  30  中子辐照前后不同孔隙率的化学膜透射率变化

    Figure  30.  Transmissivity of porous silica with different porosities before and after neutron irradiation

    图  31  不同剂量中子和γ辐照后,化学膜的热导率变化

    Figure  31.  Thermal conductivities of porous silica with different neutrons and gamma irradiation doses

    图  32  不同剂量中子和伽马辐照后,化学膜的透射率变化

    Figure  32.  Transmissivity of porous silica with different neutron and gamma irradiation doses

    表  1  不锈钢百叶窗光束吸收器的捕获效率[20]

    Table  1.   Capture efficiency of stainless steel louver

    total expected iron mass
    iron mass captured
    on FEP/(μg/cm2 )
    calculated capture
    5,7,11 40.5 3.6~18.3 9.2 54~91 77
    14 19.5 3.7~11.8 7.6 39~81 61
    12 19.0 2.2~7.8 5.5 59~88 71
    下载: 导出CSV
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