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关镭镭 李明 崔涛 贾先禄 张天爵 安世忠 黄鹏 王飞

关镭镭, 李明, 崔涛, 等. 小型回旋加速器全自动化磁场测量和精密垫补平台研制[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2022, 34: 084003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.210514
引用本文: 关镭镭, 李明, 崔涛, 等. 小型回旋加速器全自动化磁场测量和精密垫补平台研制[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2022, 34: 084003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.210514
Guan Leilei, Li Ming, Cui Tao, et al. Development of a fully automated magnetic field measurement and shimming platform for small cyclotrons[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2022, 34: 084003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.210514
Citation: Guan Leilei, Li Ming, Cui Tao, et al. Development of a fully automated magnetic field measurement and shimming platform for small cyclotrons[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2022, 34: 084003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.210514


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.210514



    李 明,393054642@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: TL54

Development of a fully automated magnetic field measurement and shimming platform for small cyclotrons

  • 摘要: 针对核医学诊疗对PET医用放射性核素的需求,中国原子能科学研究院正在开展PET医用小型回旋加速器的产业化研究。磁场测量和垫补是回旋加速器生产中的必经环节,小型回旋加速器结构紧凑实现磁场测量仪的全自动化控制是一个难点,解决常规垫补方法加工成本高和周期长的问题是产业化生产的关键。本文详细介绍小型回旋加速器全自动化磁场测量和精密垫补平台的研制,通过多台小型回旋加速器的磁场测量和垫补实践,发展一套快速磁场测量和垫补流程,实现全自动化测量方法缩短磁场测量周期,采用精密垫补算法减少垫补次数。在保证磁场测量和垫补工作高效高质量完成的条件下,极大降低了时间和加工成本,为小型回旋加速器的产业化生产打下基础。目前,中国原子能科学研究院已经完成多台小型回旋加速器的商业化落地。
  • 图  1  14 MeV医用回旋加速器

    Figure  1.  14 MeV medical cyclotron

    图  2  磁场测量和垫补工艺流程图

    Figure  2.  Flow chart of magnetic field measurement and shimming process

    图  3  磁场测量径向定位方法示意图

    Figure  3.  Schematic diagram of radial positioning method for magnetic field measurement

    图  4  全自动化磁场测量装置示意图

    Figure  4.  Schematic diagram of fully automated magnetic field measuring device

    图  5  磁场测量仪的控制流程

    Figure  5.  Control flow chart

    图  6  奇偶三角形在镶条上分布

    Figure  6.  Even and odd triangles on the strip

    图  7  奇偶三角形垫补算法形状函数

    Figure  7.  Shape function of odd and even triangle shimming algorithm

    图  8  磁场测量稳定性测试结果

    Figure  8.  Results of magnetic field measurement stability test

    图  9  磁场重复性测量结果

    Figure  9.  Results of magnetic field repeatability measurement

    图  10  14 MeV小回旋最终磁场测量垫补结果

    Figure  10.  Results of 14 MeV small cyclotron final magnetic field measurement shimming

    表  1  14 MeV回旋加速器物理设计参数

    Table  1.   Physical design parameters of 14 MeV cyclotron

    energy/MeVcurrent/µAradius/mmpole angle/(°)hamonic numberfrequency/MHzgain/MeV
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    表  2  磁场测量误差要求

    Table  2.   Magnetic field measurement error requirement

    field measuring
    radial measuring
    radial positioning
    angle measuring
    angle positioning
    measuring arm
    horizontal error/mm
    measuring arm
    axial error/mm
    probe horizontal
    position error/mm
    probe tilt
    error/( ͦ )
    center shaft
    tilt error/( ͦ )
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