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齐梦慧 黄勇 史瑞廷 冯建鸿 胡勇 易勇 李波 唐昶环 张占文

齐梦慧, 黄勇, 史瑞廷, 等. 充气过程对微球表面形貌的影响[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 042001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170311
引用本文: 齐梦慧, 黄勇, 史瑞廷, 等. 充气过程对微球表面形貌的影响[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 042001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170311
Qi Menghui, Huang Yong, Shi Ruiting, et al. Effect of inflating process on surface morphology of microspheres[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 042001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170311
Citation: Qi Menghui, Huang Yong, Shi Ruiting, et al. Effect of inflating process on surface morphology of microspheres[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 042001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170311


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170311





  • 中图分类号: TQ171

Effect of inflating process on surface morphology of microspheres

  • 摘要: 对空心玻璃微球(HGM)在高温充气过程中的表面形貌进行了研究。分析局部晶化出现的时间和条件,并通过其表面形貌、成分分析探究了其随时间的变化规律。研究结果表明:影响HGM高温充气后表面形貌的因素主要有充气温度和充气压力;充气温度越高、压力越大表面形貌发生变化所需时间越短。导致表面形貌变化的本质原因是结晶分相,结晶成分主要由Na, B等元素组成。HGM的表面结晶分相使其表面粗糙度大幅度升高,但随着脱离充气环境后放置时间的延长而又逐渐降低。其表面粗糙度降低的主要原因是Na, B等元素的逆向迁移。
  • 图  1  HGM浊化前后的显微照片

    Figure  1.  Optical image of HGM shells before and after erosion

    图  2  HGM的白光干涉图

    Figure  2.  White light interference images of HGM shells

    图  3  HGM表面扫描电镜图片

    Figure  3.  SEM images of HGM shells

    图  4  HGM分相示意图

    Figure  4.  HGM phase separation diagram

    表  1  压力为3.5 MPa时不同温度下HGM出现浊化所需时间

    Table  1.   Time required to erode under same pressure and different temperature

    T/℃ t/d T/℃ t/d
    25 ≥150 300 ~4
    100 ~80 400 ~2
    200 ~20
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    表  2  温度为300 ℃时不同压力下HGM出现浊化所需时间

    Table  2.   Time required to erode under same temperature and different pressure

    p/MPa t/d p/MPa t/d
    0.1 ≥10 3.5 ~4
    2 ~6
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    表  3  HGM表面粗糙度值

    Table  3.   Surface roughness value of HGM shells

    eroding condition Rq/nm
    not eroded 7.2
    eroded just now(t=0) 93.9
    eroded, after 7 days(t=7 d) 55.7
    eroded, after 30 days(t=30 d) 35.1
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    表  4  结晶分相与未结晶分相HGM的基体元素质量百分比

    Table  4.   Mass fractions of elements in matrix of crystallizing and non-crystallized HGMs

    element mass percentage/%
    original HGM crystallization begins(t=0) crystallizing for 7 d
    (t=7 d)
    crystallizing for 30 d
    (t=30 d)
    B 7.10 1.79 1.82 1.98
    O 63.47 50.81 56.59 49.37
    Na 1.03 2.99 4.12 4.10
    Si 27.93 39.15 38.58 36.55
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    表  5  结晶分相与未结晶分相HGM的结晶区中元素质量百分比

    Table  5.   Mass fractions of element in crystalline zone of crystallizing HGMs

    element mass percentage/%
    crystallization begins(t=0) crystallizing for 7 d (t=7 d) crystallizing for 30 d(t=30 d)
    B 44.06 43.69 7.75
    O 4.25 30.51 47.44
    Na 39.67 7.18 6.32
    Si 3.85 18.24 31.92
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  • 收稿日期:  2017-08-09
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  • 刊出日期:  2018-04-15


