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贾伟 陈志强 郭帆 谢霖燊 杨天 汤俊萍 金廷军 邱爱慈

贾伟, 陈志强, 郭帆, 等. 基于Marx发生器的中小型电磁脉冲模拟器驱动源[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 073203. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170401
引用本文: 贾伟, 陈志强, 郭帆, 等. 基于Marx发生器的中小型电磁脉冲模拟器驱动源[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 073203. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170401
Jia Wei, Chen Zhiqiang, Guo Fan, et al. Drivers of small and medium scale electromagnetic pulse simulator based on Marx generator[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 073203. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170401
Citation: Jia Wei, Chen Zhiqiang, Guo Fan, et al. Drivers of small and medium scale electromagnetic pulse simulator based on Marx generator[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 073203. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170401


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170401

强脉冲辐射环境模拟与效应国家重点实验室基金项目 SKLIPR1602


    贾伟(1978—),男,硕士,副研究员,研究方向为强电磁脉冲环境生成与模拟、脉冲功率技术; jiawei@nint.an.cn

  • 中图分类号: TN78

Drivers of small and medium scale electromagnetic pulse simulator based on Marx generator

  • 摘要: 为满足不同尺寸效应物抗强电磁脉冲(EMP)性能试验的需求,产生覆盖范围更全面、波形更理想的模拟电磁环境,对基于Marx发生器的一级脉冲陡化EMP模拟器驱动源的基本构成与工作原理进行了介绍。结合实际设计与调试经验,分析了设计该类装置时可能遇到的一些问题以及解决的方案。给出了研制的电压等级在100~600 kV的中小型EMP模拟器驱动源的结构、参数与输出指标。通过紧凑型Marx发生器、低电感平板型薄膜电容器、低电感输出开关等关键部件与连接结构优化、器件参数选取,获得在驱动源接120~180 Ω负载时可输出前沿1.2~2.7 ns、半宽32~41 ns的双指数波。
  • 图  1  一级陡化脉冲驱动源原理图

    Figure  1.  Circuit diagram of the pulse driver with one-stage sharpening

    图  2  100 kV同轴型超紧凑驱动源

    Figure  2.  100 kV coaxial ultra-compact driver

    图  3  驱动源接120 Ω天线负载时布局图

    Figure  3.  Layout of the driver connected with the 120 Ω antenna

    图  4  100 kV驱动源接120 Ω天线负载时输出电压波形

    Figure  4.  Output pulse waveform of the driver connected with the 120 Ω antenna

    图  5  300 kV超紧凑驱动源Marx发生器与陡化电容

    Figure  5.  Marx generator and peaking capacitor of the 300 kV ultra-compact driver

    图  6  300 kV气体绝缘超紧凑驱动源示意图

    Figure  6.  Layout of the 300 kV gas-insulated driver with ultra-compact structure

    图  7  驱动源接120 Ω假负载时输出电压波形

    Figure  7.  Output voltage waveform of the 300 kV driver connected with 120 Ω dummy load

    图  8  基于油绝缘直线型Marx的驱动源

    Figure  8.  Driver based on the oil-insulated Marx generator with the capacitors arranged in line

    图  9  500 kV驱动源接180 Ω天线负载时输出电压波形

    Figure  9.  Output voltage waveform of the 500 kV driver connected with the 180 Ω antenna

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