Design of ultra-wideband antenna for high-power transient pulse radiation
摘要: 基于Valentine天线的辐射原理,设计出可发射峰值电压610 kV、频谱范围0.2~2 GHz高功率脉冲的超宽带天线。利用油作为绝缘介质过渡巴伦可使天线直接加载于50 Ω的同轴波导上;通过优化填充介质及天线拓扑结构提高了耐压能力及辐射特性。仿真结果表明,设计的天线具有低反射、宽频带、高增益和高耐压强度等优点。
- Valentine天线 /
- 巴伦 /
- 高功率脉冲 /
- 高耐压强度
Abstract: In this paper, a novel antenna based on the radiation principle of Valentine antenna is designed to radiate high-power short pulse with a 610 kV top voltage and an FFT spectrum of 0.2-2 GHz. The coaxial-to-parallel-strip balun filled with transformer oil is deployed to feed the antenna with a 50 Ω coaxial waveguide. The dielectric strength and radiation property are optimized by the dielectric material and topology structure of the antenna. Simulation result shows that the antenna has a low reflection, ultra wideband, great gain and high dielectric strength.-
Key words:
- Valentine antenna /
- balun /
- high-power pulse /
- high dielectric strength
表 1 50 Ω特性阻抗的开槽角和对应的拉伸宽度
Table 1. Slotting angle and crosswise width for 50 Ω character impedance
α/(°) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 w/d0 0 0.054 0.372 1.088 1.917 2.418 2.703 3.247 3.999 4.954 -
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