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刘文俊 杨炜 郭隐彪

刘文俊, 杨炜, 郭隐彪. 熔融石英玻璃无水环境固结磨粒抛光特性[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 082001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180028
引用本文: 刘文俊, 杨炜, 郭隐彪. 熔融石英玻璃无水环境固结磨粒抛光特性[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 082001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180028
Liu Wenjun, Yang Wei, Guo Yinbiao. Characteristic of bounded abrasive polishing for fused silica glass in anhydrous environment[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 082001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180028
Citation: Liu Wenjun, Yang Wei, Guo Yinbiao. Characteristic of bounded abrasive polishing for fused silica glass in anhydrous environment[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 082001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180028


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180028

国家科技重大专项 2017ZX04022001-207

福建省引导项目 2017H0036



  • 中图分类号: TH16

Characteristic of bounded abrasive polishing for fused silica glass in anhydrous environment

  • 摘要: 为了克服游离磨粒抛光的随机性、磨料浪费以及产生的水合层等问题,提出了一种无水环境下熔融石英玻璃固结磨粒抛光技术。研究实现了稳定的抛光轮烧结工艺,并应用于熔融石英玻璃抛光加工,通过对加工产物和抛光轮粉末进行EDS能谱分析和XRD衍射分析,从微观上初步阐述了固结磨粒抛光的去除机理;从宏观上探索压力和转速对去除效率和表面粗糙度的影响。实验结果表明:加工过程中,在法向力和剪切力作用下,CeO2磨粒和熔融石英发生化学反应,CeO2将SiO2带出玻璃,实现材料去除;同时,压力和转速对加工效率影响并不遵循Preston公式,温升和排屑成为决定去除效率的关键。
  • 图  1  抛光轮制作流程图及成型样品

    Figure  1.  Manufacture process of polishing wheel and a product sample

    图  2  加工装置示意图及简化图

    Figure  2.  Processing unit diagram and simplified diagram

    图  3  表面粗糙度与材料去除深度的评价方法

    Figure  3.  Evaluation method for surface roughness and material removal

    图  4  抛光轮粉末能谱图和加工产物残屑能谱图

    Figure  4.  EDS spectrum images of grinding wheel powder and grinding chips

    图  5  砂轮、磨削屑和熔融石英的XRD分析

    Figure  5.  XRD analysis of grinding wheel powder grinding chips and fused silica

    图  6  材料去除过程

    Figure  6.  Material removal process

    图  7  恒压和恒转速的去除深度随加工时间变化关系

    Figure  7.  Relationship between the removal depth of constant pressure and constant rotating speed with the processing time

    图  8  恒压力和恒转速的粗糙度随加工时间变化关系

    Figure  8.  Relationship between the roughness of constant pressure and constant rotating speed with the processing time

    图  9  50 kPa, 150 r/min加工条件下的显微镜图和粗糙度检测图

    Figure  9.  Microscope image and roughness measured under the processing conditions of 50 kPa, 150 r/min

    表  1  实验参数

    Table  1.   Experimental parameters

    No. downward load /kPa rotating speed of polishing wheel w1/(r·min-1) rotating speed of sample w2/(r·min-1)
    1 50 95 105
    2 50 145 155
    3 50 195 205
    4 25 95 105
    5 70 95 105
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    表  2  砂轮粉和磨削屑的元素质量分数对比

    Table  2.   Contrast of element fractions of grinding wheel powder and grinding chips

    element fraction of polishing wheel/% fraction of grinding chips/%
    O 32.32 43.98
    Al 0.06 0.04
    Si 11.42 22.52
    Ca 1.85 1.08
    Ce 54.34 32.38
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  • 收稿日期:  2018-01-22
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