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曾柳杏 林福民 肖宇杰

曾柳杏, 林福民, 肖宇杰. 基于TM010模介质谐振腔的小型化腔体滤波器[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 093003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180043
引用本文: 曾柳杏, 林福民, 肖宇杰. 基于TM010模介质谐振腔的小型化腔体滤波器[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 093003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180043
Zeng Liuxing, Lin Fumin, Xiao Yujie. Miniaturized cavity filter based on TM010 mode dielectric resonators[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 093003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180043
Citation: Zeng Liuxing, Lin Fumin, Xiao Yujie. Miniaturized cavity filter based on TM010 mode dielectric resonators[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 093003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180043


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180043

广东省科技计划项目 2016A010101024


    曾柳杏(1993-), 男,硕士研究生,从事大功率滤波器的研究;ZLX13610243242@163.com


    林福民(1964-), 男,博士,教授,从事大功率微波器件、微波滤波器与射频电路、天线与卫星导航接收终端等的研究;linfumin@gdut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TN713.5;TN815

Miniaturized cavity filter based on TM010 mode dielectric resonators

  • 摘要: 现用于4G基站的介质腔体滤波器都采用TE01δ模介质谐振腔,虽然其品质因数Q值很高,但体积较大。为了小型化介质腔体滤波器,创新性地使用了TM010模介质谐振腔,虽然其Q值比较低,但同样能满足高带外抑制的要求。对TM010模介质谐振腔的端口耦合和两腔之间的磁耦合、电耦合进行分析研究,创新性地使用了介质窗的形式产生电耦合,避免了使用飞杆,易于加工,降低制造成本。最后设计了一个8腔TM010模准椭圆函数介质腔体带通滤波器,在通带(TD-LTE频带,2570~2620 MHz)两端分别设计两个传输零点以提高带外抑制。调试结果表明,TM010模介质腔体滤波器不仅能满足低插损、高带外抑制的要求,而且其体积大幅度缩小。
  • 图  1  TM010模圆柱介质谐振腔几何结构

    Figure  1.  Geometry of TM010 mode cylindrical dielectric resonator

    图  2  圆柱介质谐振腔的模式图

    Figure  2.  Mode charts of cylindrical dielectric resonator

    图  3  TM010模与TE01δ模介质谐振腔尺寸比较

    Figure  3.  Comparison of the size of TM010 mode and TE01δ mode dielectric resonator

    图  4  8腔介质腔体滤波器的拓扑结构图

    Figure  4.  Topology diagram of the 8-pole dielectric cavity filter

    图  5  耦合矩阵的回波损耗和插入损耗

    Figure  5.  S11 and S21 of the coupling matrix

    图  6  环耦合

    Figure  6.  Loop coupling

    图  7  空气窗耦合结构及对应的耦合系数

    Figure  7.  Coupling structure with an air opening and corresponding coupling coefficient curve

    图  8  介质窗耦合结构及对应的耦合系数

    Figure  8.  Coupling structure with a dielectric opening and corresponding coupling coefficient curve

    图  9  介质腔体滤波器的总体结构以及它的回波损耗和插入损耗

    Figure  9.  The overall structure of the filter and its return loss and insertion loss

    图  10  T1T2面上的电场大小分布

    Figure  10.  Magnitude of the electric field on the T1 and T2 surfaces

    表  1  4G基站介质腔体滤波器的主要技术指标要求

    Table  1.   Technical specification of the 4G base station dielectric cavity filter

    technical specification working frequency/MHz return loss/dB insertion loss/dB out-of-band suppression/dB power capacity/W
    expected value 2570~2620(±0.5) ≤ -10 ≥ -1 ≤ -40 @ 2500~2565 MHz ≤ -40 @ 2625~2695 MHz ≤ -60B @ 1880~1920 MHz ≥ 100
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    表  2  端口的外部品质因数Qe

    Table  2.   Loaded quality factor of the port

    d/mm Qed Qer
    7.00 56.90 57.51
    7.10 55.07 55.80
    7.16 53.76 54.50
    7.20 52.99 53.74
    7.30 52.11 51.83
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    表  3  谐振腔之间的开窗宽度以及调谐螺钉的长度(单位: mm)

    Table  3.   The width of the openings between resonators and the length of the tuning screws (unit: mm)

    d01 l12 l13 s14 l23 l34 l45 l56 s58 l67 l68 l78 d8L
    9.51 17.74 3.63 15.16 17.57 13.73 15.12 14.43 18.66 16.84 2.53 18.1 9.64
    screw_l1 screw_l2 screw_l3 screw_l4 screw_l5 screw_l6 screw_l7 screw_l8
    7.678 6.347 6.721 7.053 6.938 6.73 6.315 7.559
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    表  4  4G基站介质腔体滤波器的仿真指标

    Table  4.   Simulation results of the 4G base station dielectric cavity filter

    technical specification working frequency/MHz return loss/dB insertion loss/dB out-of-band suppression/dB power capacity/W
    3D simulation results 2570~2620(±0.5) ≤-10 ≥-1 ≤-50 @ 2500~2565 MHz ≤-48 @ 2625~2695 MHz ≤-60 @ 1880~1920 MHz ≥ 1000
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  • 收稿日期:  2018-01-27
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