Measurement of hard X-ray spectrum during wire array implosion on PTS
摘要: 为获取聚龙一号实验装置负载放电产生硬X射线的能谱分布,设计了一套7通道硬X射线能谱仪。介绍了这套多通道硬X射线能谱仪的测谱原理、主要参数及根据测量结果回推光源辐射能谱的解谱算法。在聚龙一号装置丝阵负载物理实验中对测量系统进行考核,获得了信噪比较高的测量波形。利用最大熵方法进行解谱,获得了丝阵负载产生的硬X射线能谱分布,辐射能段主要集中在200~500 keV附近,且1 MeV以上光子份额较低。Abstract: A 7-channel hard X-ray spectrometer was designed for measuring the photon energy distribution of the hard X-ray emitting from the loads used in Z-pinch experiments on PTS. In this paper, we present the measuring principle, configuration, measuring parameter and the unfolding method of the spectrometer. We tested our spectrometer on PTS machine, detected the hard X-rays produced during Z-pinch and acquired the signal curves of high signal-to-noise ratio. The maximum entropy method was employed in unfolding these curves and the spectrum of the X-ray radiation was obtained. The result of unfolding indicates that the hard X-ray radiation distributed mainly in 200-500 keV, rarely over 1 MeV.
Key words:
- Z-pinch /
- hard X-ray /
- Si-PIN detector /
- spectrum /
表 1 多通道硬X谱仪各通道滤片厚度
Table 1. Thicknesses of the filters in the spectrometer channels
channel Pb filter thickness/mm ch1 1.5 ch2 2.6 ch3 4.3 ch4 6.14 ch5 10.0 ch6 19.9 ch7 24.8 -
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