Propagation characteristics of electromagnetic waves in magnetized stratified plasma
摘要: 采用混合矩阵法,分析了磁化分层等离子鞘套对斜入射电磁波传播特性的影响,分别计算了不同入射角以及外加磁场下电磁波透射系数和极化特性的变化。以GPS导航信号右旋圆极化波(RCP)为例,研究了磁场、电子密度对电磁波右旋圆极化特性的影响。结果表明,外加磁场能够使右旋圆极化波在等离子体中的阻带向高频方向移动,此外,外加磁场能在一定程度上改善斜入射是圆极化波的极化特性,有利于GPS信号接收。Abstract: The influence of magnetized stratified plasma sheath on the propagation characteristics of oblique electromagnetic waves is analyzed by the hybrid matrix method. The variation of transmission coefficient of electromagnetic wave with frequency under magnetic field and the polarization characteristics of electromagnetic wave with different incident angles under magnetic field are calculated respectively. Taking the GPS navigation right hand circularly polarized wave as an example, the influence of magnetic field and electron density on the right-hand circular polarization(RCP) electromagnetic wave is studied. The results show that the magnetic field can move the stop-band of the right-handed circular polarization wave towards the high frequency direction in the plasma. In addition, the magnetic field can improve the polarization characteristic of the circular polarization wave at oblique incidence to some extent, which is beneficial to the reception of the GPS signal.
表 1 不同电子峰密度下GPS频率右旋圆极化波随外加磁场变化
Table 1. Variation of GPS frequency right-hand circular polarization wave with magnetic field at different electron density
nepeak/m-3 transmissioncoefficient of RCP/dB B=0 T B=0.1 T B=0.3 T B=0.5 T 5×1017 -77.55 -29.70 -3.00 -1.31 1×1018 -115.17 -43.52 -5.24 -1.82 5×1018 -268.09 -99.89 -13.08 -5.33 -
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