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梁秀强 袁杰红 周仕明

梁秀强, 袁杰红, 周仕明. 离子推力器栅极组件温度场仿真分析及试验研究[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 114001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180208
引用本文: 梁秀强, 袁杰红, 周仕明. 离子推力器栅极组件温度场仿真分析及试验研究[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 114001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180208
Liang Xiuqiang, Yuan Jiehong, Zhou Shiming. Simulation and experimental study on temperature field of ion thruster's grids assembly[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 114001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180208
Citation: Liang Xiuqiang, Yuan Jiehong, Zhou Shiming. Simulation and experimental study on temperature field of ion thruster's grids assembly[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 114001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180208


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180208

真空低温技术与物理国家级重点实验室开放基金项目 ZWK_1702



  • 中图分类号: V439.4

Simulation and experimental study on temperature field of ion thruster's grids assembly

  • 摘要: 栅极组件热变形是影响离子推力器工作性能及工作寿命的主要因素,为研究栅极组件升温过程中温度场分布及变化规律,探索能较准确模拟栅极温度场的方法,建立了栅极组件1/12全尺寸有限元模型进行温度场仿真计算。同时,基于实验室搭建的温度测量平台,测量了大气环境下加热时栅极组件的瞬态温度变化。对比有限元分析求解与试验过程中的温度场,加速栅平均误差为14.4%,屏栅平均误差为9.7%,双栅最大误差不超过18.4%,验证了有限元模型及方法的可信度和合理性。
  • 图  1  栅极组件有限元模型

    Figure  1.  FEM model of grids assembly

    图  2  加热设备

    Figure  2.  Heating equipment

    图  3  测温设备及测温点

    Figure  3.  Temperature measuring equipment and points

    图  4  栅极组件8 s的温度分布云图

    Figure  4.  Transient temperature field of grids assembly at 8 s

    图  5  栅极组件800 s的温度分布云图

    Figure  5.  Transient temperature field of grids assembly at 800 s

    图  6  各时刻温度沿径向坐标分布曲线

    Figure  6.  Temperature distribution along radial axis

    图  7  T1至T5测温点温度变化曲线及稳态温度分布曲线

    Figure  7.  Experiment and simulation results of termocouple points T1 to T5 and steady-state temperature distribution

    表  1  各加热管表面温度

    Table  1.   Surface temperature of heating tubes

    heating tube number temperature/℃
    1 635
    2 608
    3 512
    4 455
    5 422
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    表  2  加速栅测温点稳态温度试验与仿真对比

    Table  2.   Comparison of steady-state temperature between simulation and experiment for accelerator grid

    thermocouple point temperature of FEM/℃ temperature of experiment/℃ error /%
    T1 176 198 11.1
    T2 175 202 13.4
    T3 155 190 18.4
    T4 130 154 16.0
    T5 110 124 11.3
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    表  3  屏栅测温点稳态温度试验与仿真对比

    Table  3.   Comparison of steady-state temperature between simulation and experiment for screen grid

    thermocouple point temperature of FEM/℃ temperature of experiment/℃ error /%
    T1 284 322 11.8
    T2 284 310 8.4
    T3 244 262 6.9
    T4 197 186 5.9
    T5 151 131 15.3
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  • 收稿日期:  2018-07-31
  • 修回日期:  2018-09-23
  • 刊出日期:  2018-11-15


