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郭帆 王贵林 邹文康 陈林 谢卫平

郭帆, 王贵林, 邹文康, 等. 聚龙一号装置磁驱动加载实验的全电路模拟[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 125001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180239
引用本文: 郭帆, 王贵林, 邹文康, 等. 聚龙一号装置磁驱动加载实验的全电路模拟[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 125001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180239
Guo Fan, Wang Guilin, Zou Wenkang, et al. Full circuit calculation of magnetically driven experiment on PTS facility[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 125001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180239
Citation: Guo Fan, Wang Guilin, Zou Wenkang, et al. Full circuit calculation of magnetically driven experiment on PTS facility[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 125001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180239


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180239

国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 11605181


    郭帆(1987—), 男, 博士研究生, 从事脉冲功率技术研究, 394560789@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: O411.3

Full circuit calculation of magnetically driven experiment on PTS facility

  • 摘要: 聚龙一号装置由24路模块并联组成, 通过调整24路模块中激光触发气体开关的导通时序可实现负载电流波形的精确调节, 以满足磁驱动加载实验所要求的负载电流波形灵活调节的需求。针对聚龙一号装置开展的磁驱动加载实验, 建立了能够描述能量从Marx发生器开始至负载整个传输过程的全电路模型, 开发了相应的电路计算程序, 并基于实验结果对计算程序进行了校验, 电路模拟结果与实验结果符合较好。电路模拟程序的计算效率比采用Pspice软件进行全电路计算的效率显著提高, 其不仅可应用于在给定激光触发气体开关导通时序的情况下对聚龙一号装置的输出特性进行预测和评估, 同时也为负载电流波形调节的方案设计提供了一种有效工具。
  • 图  1  聚龙一号装置结构示意图

    Figure  1.  Structureschematic ofthe PTS

    图  2  聚龙一号装置全电路模型

    Figure  2.  Fullcircuit model ofthe PTS

    图  3  聚龙一号装置单台Marx发生器等效电路模型

    Figure  3.  Circuit model ofthesingle Marxgeneratorinthe PTS

    图  4  电路模拟和实验测量所得0061发负载电流

    Figure  4.  Load current waveforms of shot 0061 acquired during the experiment and by circuit simulation

    图  5  电路模拟所得0061发实验四层外MITL末端传输线单元的工作电压和电流

    Figure  5.  Operating voltage and current waveforms of the transmission line elements at the end of four layers outer MITLs for shot 0061

    图  6  0061发实验四层外MITL末端传输线单元的临界磁绝缘电流

    Figure  6.  Minimum currents required to establish magnetical insulation for the transmission line elements at the end of four layers outer MITLs for shot 0061

    图  7  磁驱动加载实验方案设计流程

    Figure  7.  Process of obtaining the laser triggered gas switches closing time for the magnetically driven experiments

    图  8  0122发实验负载电流波形

    Figure  8.  Load current waveforms of shot 0122

    表  1  0061发实验负载参数

    Table  1.   Load parameters of shot 0061

    wa/cm w/cm he/cm δ/μm g/cm material ρ0/(g·cm-3)
    1.5 1.3 1.8 972 0.2 LY 12 aluminum 2.7
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    表  2  0061发实验激光触发气体开关的导通时间

    Table  2.   Closing time of the 24 laser triggered gas switches for shot 0061

    switch No. closing time/ns switch No. closing time/ns switch No. closing time/ns switch No. closing time/ns
    1# 886 7# 956 13# 886 19# 954
    2# 950 8# 1049 14# 943 20# 1050
    3# 1012 9# 956 15# 1017 21# 954
    4# 1050 10# 1049 16# 1050 22# 1050
    5# 1012 11# 886 17# 1017 23# 886
    6# 1050 12# 943 18# 1050 24# 950
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    表  3  0122发实验负载参数

    Table  3.   Load parameters for shot 0122

    wa/cm w/cm he/cm δ/μm g/cm material ρ0/(g·cm-3)
    0.9 0.8 2.8 1000 0.12 LY 12 aluminum 2.7
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    表  4  0122发实验激光触发气体开关的导通时序

    Table  4.   Closing time of the 24 laser triggered gas switches for shot 0122

    switch No. closing time/ns switch No. closing time/ns switch No. closing time/ns switch No. closing time/ns
    1# 770 7# 1055 13# 810 19# 1065
    2# 990 8# 1080 14# 990 20# 1080
    3# 1090 9# 1055 15# 1090 21# 1065
    4# 940 10# 1080 16# 860 22# 1080
    5# 1090 11# 810 17# 1090 23# 770
    6# 940 12# 990 18# 860 24# 990
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