Application of close-range photogrammetry to particle accelerator alignment
摘要: 第一次提出将近景摄影测量技术应用于国内粒子加速器隧道的控制点和设备测量,制定详细测量方案以适应加速器隧道狭窄空间环境,设计满足加速器隧道环境的半球目标、五面体目标,提出了编码立体化的方法,并在普通标准杆的短基线基准的基础上,增加跟踪仪测量的长基线基准进行约束。最后在中国散裂中子源的RCS环隧道中选取70 m长隧道进行测量实验,成功获取加速器控制网和设备的三维坐标,与激光跟踪仪结果对比,精度0.5 mm,显著提高测量效率,达到良好预期效果。Abstract: This paper presents the first time application of close-range photogrammetry to control net and components measurement in domestic particle accelerator facilities. A detailed measurement scheme is formulated to meet the narrow space of the tunnel, two kind of targets are designed (the hemisphere target and five plane faces target) and an idea is put forward to make the planar coded targets into a three dimensional group to satisfy the tunnel condition. Besides short baseline of a standard bar, long baseline based on laser tracker was also added for constraint. A measurement experiment was conducted in the 70 m long tunnel which is a part of RCS in CSNS, and the coordinates of the control points and the components are successfully obtained, the accuracy was 0.5 mm as compared with that of the laser tracker. This photogrammetric method has remarkably improved efficiency and achieved good result as expected.
表 1 设备摄影测量结果重复性
Table 1. Repeatability of components measurement by photogrammetry
X/mm Y/mm Z/mm deviation/mm R2MB02(dipole) 0.011 0.019 0.015 0.027 R2QD02(quadrupole) 0.016 0.018 0.008 0.026 -
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