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吴刚 乐波 杨雨枫 王海洋 崔志同 彭磊 吴伟 陈伟

吴刚, 乐波, 杨雨枫, 等. 短波接收天线系统核电磁脉冲注入试验[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2019, 31: 093205. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.190159
引用本文: 吴刚, 乐波, 杨雨枫, 等. 短波接收天线系统核电磁脉冲注入试验[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2019, 31: 093205. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.190159
Wu Gang, Yue Bo, Yang Yufeng, et al. High-altitude electromagnetic pulse survivability test study on shortwave receiving antenna system by pulsed current injection[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2019, 31: 093205. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.190159
Citation: Wu Gang, Yue Bo, Yang Yufeng, et al. High-altitude electromagnetic pulse survivability test study on shortwave receiving antenna system by pulsed current injection[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2019, 31: 093205. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.190159


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.190159

强脉冲辐射环境模拟与效应国家重点实验室专项经费资助项目 SKLIPR.1405Z


    吴刚(1982—),男,副研究员,主要从事核电磁脉冲效应、试验与防护技术研究; wugang@nint.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号: O441;TL91;TL76

High-altitude electromagnetic pulse survivability test study on shortwave receiving antenna system by pulsed current injection

  • 摘要: 为评估高空核电磁脉冲(HEMP)对某型短波接收天线系统的威胁,对包含浪涌保护器在内的天线前端设备进行HEMP传导注入试验。采用纳秒级快前沿方波源和双指数波电流源,分别测试不同浪涌保护措施的快脉冲响应。结果表明,主要由于天线末端的气体放电管在高过压比下很快动作(1 ns量级)、信号浪涌保护器内瞬态电压抑制器(TVS)限幅、信号传输设备内放大器饱和限幅等多重作用,注入幅度约3.5 kV的快前沿方波、电流峰值1.8 kA的双指数波(20/500 ns)脉冲都能及时泄放,只在传输设备输出端产生一个幅度饱和(< 3 V)、持续μs量级的干扰信号。对这一类低工作电压天线系统,利用基于市售浪涌保护器的多重防雷措施能够同时实现对核电磁脉冲传导环境的防护。
  • 图  1  受试对象电气连接和内部保护器件配置

    Figure  1.  Schematic of electrical connection and internal protection devices configuration of the system under test

    图  2  HEMP辐照激励短波鞭天线的耦合仿真模型

    Figure  2.  Simulation model for the antenna excited by HEMP field

    图  3  天线末端短路电流峰值随入射波方向角θ的变化

    Figure  3.  Calculated results of peak short-circuit currents at the end of the antenna as a function of the incident angle θ

    图  4  θ=45°, 90°情况下天线末端短路和名义负载电流波形

    Figure  4.  Short-circuit and nominal load current waveforms of the antenna with an incident angle of θ=45° and θ=90°

    图  5  试验连接状态示意图

    Figure  5.  Schematic of electrical connection in the test

    图  6  方波源测试天馈浪涌保护器响应时间随电压变化

    Figure  6.  Response times of the antenna lightning protector to fast rise-time square waveform pulses with various voltages

    图  7  GDT和巴伦组合对快前沿方波的泄露电压脉冲

    Figure  7.  Leakage voltage pulses of the combination of a GDT and a balun to the fast rise-time square waveform pulses

    图  8  信号浪涌保护器对快前沿方波的响应

    Figure  8.  Response of the signal surge protector to the fast rise-time square waveform pulse

    图  9  天线避雷器与信号浪涌保护器的综合响应

    Figure  9.  Synthesized response of the antenna lightning protector and the signal surge protector

    图  10  天线末端注入100 ns方波,交换矩阵输出饱和

    Figure  10.  Saturated outputs of the switching fabric

    图  11  天线末端注入100 ns方波,经多重保护器的响应

    Figure  11.  Synthesized responses of the system under test to the injected 100 ns square waveform pulses

    图  12  双指数波电流源在不同加压等级下的输出电流波形

    Figure  12.  Output current waveforms of the double exponential (DEXP) waveform pulser

    图  13  双指数波脉冲注入天线前端从一路输出泄露脉冲

    Figure  13.  Leakage pulses of the antenna output port with DEXP pulses injected

    图  14  注入双指数波脉冲,浪涌保护器输出残压

    Figure  14.  Outputs of the surge protectors with 2 kA pulses

    图  15  天线末端注入双指数波脉冲,交换矩阵输出残压

    Figure  15.  Outputs of the system with DEXP pulses injected

    图  16  试验前后,受试对象的信号传输功能对比

    Figure  16.  Comparison of the transmission characteristics before and after the test

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