Diffuser that can simulate different background pressure
摘要: 为了研究直排型扩压器的压力恢复能力,设计了一套可模拟不同背压环境的扩压器装置。在扩压器平直段后接入电动闸板阀,通过调节气流的流通面积模拟不同的背压环境。考虑到闸板阀前平直段对扩压器工作性能的影响,建立了扩压器流场的仿真分析模型,得到了加入闸板阀的扩压器装置的流场,进行了扩压器平直段的优化设计,并开展了验证试验。结果表明,仿真分析与实验结果符合得较好,平直段设计合理时,采用闸板阀模拟不同背压环境的方式是可行的,直排型扩压器的恢复压力测试结果稳定可靠。Abstract: To study the pressure recovery ability of the diffuser of chemical lasers, an equipment that can simulate different background pressure is designed. The simulated background pressure can be changed by changing the valve’s pass area. The influence of the straight part’s length before the valve being considered, different length models are simulated and the validation test is carried out, whose result is consistent with that of the simulation. The result shows the feasibility of simulating different background pressure with a flashboard valve. The equipment will redound to the investigation of the diffuser’s recovery pressure in chemical lasers.
表 1 扩压器的结构参数
Table 1. The diffuser’s structure parameters
size of inlet length of supersonic
part/mmlength of subsonic
part/mmoutspread angle of
subsonic part/(°)length of straight
part/mmnumber of vanes 149 mm×85 mm 1 310 500 16 650 1 表 2 扩压器流场的仿真参数
Table 2. Parameters of the diffuser’s simulation
total pressure/kPa static pressure/kPa total temperature/K background pressure/kPa 11 1.3 1 500 0.532 表 3 闸板阀流通面积
Table 3. Flow area of the flashboard valve
the closed height of the valve/mm passing height of the valve/mm flow area of the valve/mm2 50 198 61 578 55 188 58 468 60 178 55 358 70 158 49 138 76.5 145 45 095 -