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何勇 孟昭男 张鹏 孙衢骎 周星健

何勇, 孟昭男, 张鹏, 等. 基于微通道液氮换热的脉冲磁体快速冷却方法研究[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2022, 34: 115002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.220069
引用本文: 何勇, 孟昭男, 张鹏, 等. 基于微通道液氮换热的脉冲磁体快速冷却方法研究[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2022, 34: 115002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.220069
He Yong, Meng Zhaonan, Zhang Peng, et al. Investigation on fast cooling method for pulsed magnet based on heat transfer of flowing liquid nitrogen in micro-channels[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2022, 34: 115002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.220069
Citation: He Yong, Meng Zhaonan, Zhang Peng, et al. Investigation on fast cooling method for pulsed magnet based on heat transfer of flowing liquid nitrogen in micro-channels[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2022, 34: 115002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.220069


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.220069

    何 勇,4045604@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: TL331

Investigation on fast cooling method for pulsed magnet based on heat transfer of flowing liquid nitrogen in micro-channels

  • 摘要: 影响脉冲磁体重频运行能力的关键因素是磁体的冷却速度。提出了一种脉冲磁体快速冷却方法:在磁体导体内开微小通道,在通道内注入液氮,通过增大导体与液氮之间的直接接触面积(换热面积)、液氮单相流动换热、液氮流动沸腾换热这三个途径来大幅提高导体的冷却速度,与此同时尽可能减小对脉冲磁体性能(磁场强度、脉宽和内直径)的影响。阐述了基于微通道内液氮流动、沸腾换热的脉冲磁体快速冷却方法的原理,开展了数值模拟和验证性试验,结果表明,对于25 T的20 mm口径脉冲磁体,采用快速冷却方法,30 s即可冷却至初始温度,为磁体仅浸泡在液氮中的冷却时间(600 s)的5%,冷却速度提高了19倍。
  • 图  1  快速冷却脉冲磁体示意图

    Figure  1.  Structure of the designed magnet

    图  2  初始温度为77 K时,放电结束时磁体的温度分布

    Figure  2.  Temperature distribution of the magnet at the end of discharge, initial temperature is 77 K

    图  3  放电结束时各层导体沉积的热量

    Figure  3.  Deposited energy for each layer conductor of the magnet at the end of discharge

    图  4  磁体导体平均温度随时间的变化

    Figure  4.  Temporal evolution of average temperature of the magnet conductor during intermittent running process

    图  5  1~20层导体冷却情况计算模型

    Figure  5.  Model for the cooling processing simulation for the designed magnet (1st~20th layer)

    图  6  1 s加热(功率80 kW)后,1~20层导体温度分布

    Figure  6.  Temperature of the 1st~20th layer after 1 s heating with 80 kW

    图  7  磁体导体(1~20层模型)冷却过程

    Figure  7.  Cooling processing of magnet conductors (1st~20th layer model)

    图  8  1 s加热(功率12 kW)后,8~9层导体温度分布

    Figure  8.  Temperature of the 8th~9th layer after 1 s heating with 12 kW

    图  9  磁体导体(8~9层模型)冷却过程

    Figure  9.  Cooling processing of magnet conductors (8th~9th layer model)

    图  10  缩比型脉冲磁体

    Figure  10.  Scaled pulsed magnet

    图  11  缩比型脉冲磁体放电电流波形

    Figure  11.  Discharged current of the scaled pulsed magnet

    图  12  三种不同冷却方式下,磁体冷却过程

    Figure  12.  Cooling processing of the magnet with 3 kinds of cooling method

    表  1  铜和环氧树脂材料在不同温度下的热物性

    Table  1.   Thermal properties of copper and epoxy under different temperatures

    of cooper/
    specific heat
    capacity of
    conductivity of
    density of
    specific heat
    capacity of composite
    thermal conductivity
    of composite
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  • 收稿日期:  2022-03-14
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