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何兵 李炳霖 杨依枫 刘美忠

何兵, 李炳霖, 杨依枫, 等. 基于衍射光学元件的激光相干合成研究进展[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 041002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220282
引用本文: 何兵, 李炳霖, 杨依枫, 等. 基于衍射光学元件的激光相干合成研究进展[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 041002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220282
He Bing, Li Binglin, Yang Yifeng, et al. Coherent beam combining of fiber laser array based on diffractive optical element[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 041002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220282
Citation: He Bing, Li Binglin, Yang Yifeng, et al. Coherent beam combining of fiber laser array based on diffractive optical element[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 041002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220282


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220282
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFB0504500); 中国科学院青年创新促进项目(2020252)

    何 兵,bryanho@siom.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号: TN248.1

Coherent beam combining of fiber laser array based on diffractive optical element

  • 摘要: 从衍射光学元件的基本原理出发,围绕连续波和脉冲波两大应用领域,综述了国内外基于衍射光学元件实现共孔径相干合成的研究进展。在国内,上海光学精密机械研究所分别实现了连续光和脉冲光的合成,连续光实现了206 W的输出功率,光束质量1.38,合束效率29.6%;脉冲光实现了峰值功率1.02 kW,重复频率2.2 MHz的ns级脉冲相干合成光束,合束效率61%。在国外,连续光方面实现了5 kW量级的合成光输出,合束效率82%;脉冲光方面实现了平均功率150 mW,重复频率100 MHz的fs级脉冲相干合成光束,合束效率83.4%。最后对基于衍射光学元件的激光相干合成技术的未来发展做出了展望,相信在不久的将来,基于衍射光学元件的相干合成技术会不断发展,逐渐突破技术瓶颈,从而为更多的应用领域奠定坚实基础。
  • 图  1  方形平顶光束和环形平顶光束

    Figure  1.  Top-hatted beam with square and circlar beam profile

    图  2  二值光栅相干合成技术共腔结构注入锁定结构示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of injection locking structure of binary grating coherent beam combining (CBC) technology co-cavity structure

    图  3  三路单模光纤激光的相干合成基本原理与实验装置

    Figure  3.  Basic principle and experimental setup of coherent beam combining of three-channel single-mode fiber lasers

    图  4  基于达曼光栅的半导体激光器相干合成原理

    Figure  4.  Principle of coherent beam combining of semiconductor lasers based on Damman gratings

    图  5  光栅的被动相干光束合成实验装置

    Figure  5.  Experimental setup and spectrogram of passive coherent beam combining based on quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) and Dammann gratings

    图  6  全光反馈环形腔实验装置与实验结果图

    Figure  6.  All-optical feedback ring cavity experimental setup and experimental results

    图  7  基于DOE的主动相干合成系统装置

    Figure  7.  DOE-based active coherent beam combining system

    图  8  DOE光束合成原理示意图

    Figure  8.  Schematic diagram of DOE coherent beam combining

    图  9  二维DOE相干合成系统结构

    Figure  9.  Two-dimensional DOE coherent beam combining system

    图  10  二维DOE相干合成结果示意图

    Figure  10.  Results of two-dimensional DOE coherent beam combining

    图  11  2.4 kW DOE相干合成实验结构图

    Figure  11.  2.4 kW DOE coherent beam combining experiment structure diagram

    图  12  4.9 kW DOE相干合成实验结构

    Figure  12.  Structure diagram of 4.9 kW DOE coherent beam combining system

    图  13  4路超短脉冲衍射相干合成实验装置

    Figure  13.  Experimental setup of two-dimensional combination of four ultrashort pulsed beams using a diffractive optic pair

    图  14  8路超短脉冲衍射相干合成实验装置及原理图

    Figure  14.  Experimental setup of 8-array ultrashort pulse diffraction coherent beam combining

    图  15  DOE2分束形成5×5子光束阵列,子光束在合成前后的光斑图样

    Figure  15.  Formation of the 5 × 5 uncombined beam array exiting DOE2, with a 3 × 3 incident beam array

    图  16  基于模式识别8路衍射相干合成实验装置

    Figure  16.  Experimental setup of deterministic stabilization of eight-way 2D diffractive beam combining using pattern recognition

    图  17  81路衍射相干合成验证系统和SLM产生9×9光束的全息图

    Figure  17.  SLM combiner experiment and hologram on SLM for generating 9×9 beams

    图  18  输出为81路光束的神经网络结构图、光束相位模式及衍射强度模式

    Figure  18.  Structure of the neural network, with interference patterns (17×17) as input and the corresponding 81-beam phases array (9×9) as the output

    图  19  3路平铺孔径阵列相干合成远场图样(23 W平均输出功率)

    Figure  19.  Far-field interference pattern of three tiled aperture pulsed beamlets by an all-optical feedback loop

    图  20  相干合成光束5个脉冲的序列图

    Figure  20.  Measured pulse shape of the combined beam in five cycles

    表  1  DOE连续光相干合成代表性研究成果

    Table  1.   Representative research results of DOE CW CBC

    2008 Northrop Grumman 5 fiber lasers with 109 mW overall power, M2=1.04, combination efficiency is 91.4% [53]
    2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5 fiber lasers with 1.93 kW overall power, M2=1.1,
    combination efficiency is 79%
    2012 Northrop Grumman 15 fiber lasers with 600 W overall power, M2=1.1,
    combination efficiency is 68%
    2014 Northrop Grumman 3 fiber lasers with 2.4 kW overall power, M2=1.2,
    combination efficiency is 80%
    2016 Air Force Research Laboratory 5 fiber lasers with 4.9 kW overall power, M2=1.1,
    combination efficiency is 82%
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    表  2  DOE脉冲光相干合成代表性研究成果

    Table  2.   Representative research results of DOE pulse CBC

    2014Shanghai Insititute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,
    Chinese Academy of Sciences
    channel number is 2; tp=9.6 ns; fp=2.2 MHz; Pp=1.02 kW; η=61%[64]
    2017Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratorychannel number is 4; tp=120 fs; fp=100 MHz; Pa=150 mW; η=83.4%[59]
    2018Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratorychannel number is 8; tp=120 fs; fp=100 MHz; η=85.4%[60]
    2019Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratorychannel number is 8; tp=100 fs; η=84.6%[61]
    2021Air Force Research Laboratorychannel number is 81; η=60.4%[62]
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